Donatella Laura Ada Bernardi, Marie-France Rafael
3 CreditsMFA-MFA-Sy03.20F.001

Members of the DKM PhD research group:
Kamran Behrouz, Viviana Gonzalez, Bernhard Herbordt & Melanie Mohren, Eirini Sourgiadaki, Laura von Niederhäusern, Julia Weber, Kai Ziegner
3 CreditsMFA-MFA-Po00.20F.007

Christian Hübler, Rabea Ridlhammer
3 CreditsMFA-MFA-Po00.20F.008

Marie-France Rafael, Nina Kerschbaumer
3 CreditsMFA-MFA-Po00.20F.009

Donatella Laura Ada Bernardi, Marie-France Rafael
21 CreditsMFA-MFA-Pr00.20F.001

Christian Hübler, Nina Kerschbaumer
21 CreditsMFA-MFA-Pr00.20F.002

Uriel Orlow, Rabea Ridlhammer, Christoph Schenker
21 CreditsMFA-MFA-Pr00.20F.004

Yvonne Wilhelm, Pascal Sidler
21 CreditsMFA-MFA-Pr00.20F.006
Pool 8: Excursion re:context NL (18–22 May 2020, Netherlands) 

Following both decentralized and directional pathways, we will visit various institutions, actors and environments within the Dutch art system, many of which are reinventing themselves in multifaceted ways within the changing political climate. Using differing methods of exchange, we will seek to get to know their forms: the poetics and politics of thinking, researching, showing, not showing, learning, and unlearning.
The exact programme will be compiled in the coming weeks, but we can already give insights into our selection and inclinations. We plan to use Utrecht, with its central geographical position, as our base.
Besuch zahlreicher Institutionen, Akteure und Umgebungen innerhalb des niederländischen Kunstsystems, von denen sich viele in komplexer Art und Weise neu erfinden im Zuge des sich verändernden politischen Klimas.
The exact programme will be compiled in the coming weeks, but we can already give insights into our selection and inclinations. We plan to use Utrecht, with its central geographical position, as our base.
Besuch zahlreicher Institutionen, Akteure und Umgebungen innerhalb des niederländischen Kunstsystems, von denen sich viele in komplexer Art und Weise neu erfinden im Zuge des sich verändernden politischen Klimas.
Nummer und Typ | MFA-MFA-Po00.20F.008 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Pool: |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Christian Hübler, Rabea Ridlhammer |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 10 |
ECTS | 3 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Course language: English (unless only German-speaking participants attend the course) Please apply with a short text describing your reasons for participating by 22 January 2020, 12 p.m. (noon). Send your application to: christian.huebler@zhdk.ch |
Lehrform | Pool Seminar |
Zielgruppen | MFA students |
Inhalte | UTRECHT (1 day) Art as a public sphere and a political space 1. https://www.bakonline.org —> BAK, basis voor actuele kunst is a base for art, theory, and social action. BAK is committed to the notion of art as a public sphere and a political space, and it provides a critical platform for aesthetic political experiments with and through art. BAK brings together artists, thinkers, and members of marginalized classes to imagine and enact transformative ways of being together. —> BAK’s current research scheme, Propositions for Non-Fascist Living (2017–2020), is prompted by the dramatic resurfacing and normalization of fascism, historical and contemporary. BAK fellows/contacts Katayoun Arian: https://www.bakonline.org/person/katayoun-arian/ Mitchell Esajas: https://www.bakonline.org/person/mitchell-esajas/ Urok Shirjan: https://www.bakonline.org/person/urok-shirhan/ 2. https://casco.art/en/about (contact: Binna Choi, Yolande van der Heide) —> Casco Art Institute has dedicated itself to cultivating and sustaining the commons through art, questioning its forms of life, shared resources, customs, and borders. Art is here to offer a lens through which to examine the commons whilst the commons looks to the world, including art. AMSTERDAM (2 days) Colonial histories / decolonial practices 1. visit Framer Framed https://framerframed.nl/ —> Framer Framed is a platform for contemporary art, visual culture, and critical theory & practice. Each year the organization presents a variety of exhibitions in collaboration with both emerging and established international curators and artists, on topics such as identity politics, notions of “the Other”, and historiographical propositions. An extensive public program is organized alongside these exhibitions in order to shed light on the topics concerned and provide a wide range of perspectives. With this common space for dialogue, Framer Framed aims to draw attention to a plurality of voices in a globalized society. 2. meet Hodan Warsame, Decolonize the Museum https://framerframed.nl/mensen/hodan-warsame/ —> Hodan Warsame is an educator, organiser and moderator working in the areas of gender, race, class and citizenship, inspired by queer and decolonial feminisms. Through organizing workshops, consciousness-raising groups and making media, she creates spaces for herself and others to develop critical and liberating understandings of ourselves and the world that form the basis for radical change in our for everyday actions and relationships. Alternative: talk/visit University of Colour, Gloria Wekker, https://universityofcolour.com/ 3. visit/tour the Black Archives: www.theblackarchives.nl/ Artist-run spaces: 1. Marwan www.marwanmarwan.com/ (contakt: Tirza Kater) 2. Bologna https://bologna.cc/ (Kontakt: Ivan Cheng) —> bologna is a space in Amsterdam's east, a wide corner on the top of a triangular building initiated and programmed by Ivan Cheng, it is understood that sbologna is slang for fools gold, or means to aggressively give away. Performance/Art/Theory 1. visit and dialogue If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution https://ificantdance.org/about/ (Kontakt: Frederique Bergholtz / Sara Giannini) —> “We aim to approach performance through an understanding of it as an inherently interdisciplinary form, and produce work that ranges from live performance to film to installations. we aim to support practitioners at pivotal stages in their career, and to represent intergenerational, international, and intersectional positions.” 2. rongwrong www.rongwrong.org/ (Kontakt: Arnisa Zeqo) —> A space for art and theory. Far from the inscrutable logics of sterile art trades and cultural branding, Rongwrong supports and exhibits the work of both confidential and more rumored artists, and hosts an ongoing public program that welcomes art historians, as well as writers and poets, most of all art lovers. bookshop San Serriffe: https://www.san-serriffe.com/ ARNHEM (1 day) Force times Distance – On Labour and its Sonic Ecologies 1. Sonsbeek walk and talk with co-curator www.sonsbeek.org/en/about/ (Kontakt: Amal Alhaag) —> The curatorial concept for Sonsbeek’s upcoming edition, Force Times Distance – On Labour and its Sonic Ecologies, much like its new structure revolves around the issue of labour, its conditions, and rights in relation to time and geo-cultural spaces. The crux of this project is in the socioeconomic relationship between employers and employees. It will look into the ways that the history of labour and the working class reflects and is framed by such issues as race, gender, class structure, geographical distance, and politics. Amal Alhaag is an Amsterdam-based independent curator, DJ, and researcher who develops ongoing experimental and collaborative research practices and public programs. She develops projects drawing on global spatial politics, archives, colonialism, counter-culture, oral histories and popular culture, including collaborations with individuals, initiatives, and institutions. These invite, stage, question, and play with "uncomfortable" issues: issues that riddle, rewrite, remix, share, and compose narratives in impermanent settings. 2. Listening Group Tour through the city with artist Leon Filter: listeninggroup.info/ 3. Walter: https://www.facebook.com/walterinarnhem (contact: Krista Jantowski) —> Bookshop/Library/Cafe ROTTERDAM (1 day + 1 day open for planning) Collective Infrastructures (Rotterdam Center/Noord): Autonomous Fabric: autonomousfabric.org/ (contact: Florian Cramer) —> Autonomous Fabric was initiated by the Autonomous Practices department of Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam. It researches the ways self-organised artist and activist practices manifest themselves and shape society. TENDERCENTER: https://tendercenter.space/ (contact: Geo Wyeth & Angelika Falkeling) —> “We are a collective of feminist queers who are building the beginnings of a community centre for culture; or a venue for queer events¨. Tender Center is a relational infrastructure with parties, agitation, co-learning, bodies in varying states, gardening, (s)words, conversation, workshops, food, DIY, darkroom, curry, and a solid sound system.” Publication Studio https://www.publicationstudio.biz/studios/rotterdam/ (Kontakt: Yin Yin Wong) —>“We attend to the social life of the book. Publication Studio is a laboratory for publication in its fullest sense – not just the production of books, but the production of a public. This public, which is more than a market, is created through physical production, digital circulation, and social gathering. Together these construct a space of conversation which beckons a public into being.” Varia: varia.zone/en/pages/collective-infrastructures.html —>Varia is a Rotterdam-based initiative which started in 2017. At its core it aims to develop critical understandings of the technologies that surround us. Varia experiments with tools for building physical and digital infrastructures of affinity in a collective way. Worm Pirate Bay: https://worm.org/spaces/worm-pirate-bay/ GHOST: https://ghost.hotglue.me/ (Kontakt: Madison Bycroft) —> GHOST can operate as a single shadow, but always shadows a multitude. Rotterdam Zuid Sound/Technology/Sonic-arts De Player: artshttps://www.deplayer.nl/ (contact: Peter Fendler) —> De Player is a polymorphic production platform, putting together programs on the cutting edge of performance art, experimental music, and the visual. Peach: www.peachopposite.com/ (contact: Ghislain Amar) Peach is an exhibition space - and at times a collective - funded in 2015 by Ghislain Amar. It was co-run with Anna Maria Łuczak in their apartment in Rotterdam until 2017. Since 2018 it has been located in a small backyard shed. Rib Rib: https://www.ribrib.nl (contact: Maziar Afrassiabi) —> Rib Rib is driven by both the vision of artists and the will to challenge the institutionalizing conditions for the production and presentation of contemporary art; exhibitions, collaborations, recurring (online) residencies, long-term projects, and off-site interventions all interlock to animate this living organism. knowbotiq (Yvonne Wilhelm, Christian Huebler) has been experimenting with forms and medialities of knowledge, political representations, and epistemic disobedience. In recent projects they have been investigating and enacting political landscapes and inhuman geographies, focusing on algorithmic governmentalities, libidinous and affective economies and postcolonial violence. knowbotiq.net Rabea Ridlhammer (*1990, Germany) has a background in Fine Arts and Graphic Design. In 2015 she graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, where she co-founded and organized various exhibitions and events at the illusive artist-run-space bunker0621. Her research-based work often results in wearable items, videos or printed matter, thus extending beyond writing. She got an MA of Art Praxis at the Dutch Art Institute. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | (more readings to come) Decolonialising Art Institutions www.on-curating.org/issue-35.html#.XdFA-r9CfOQ “What is Autonomy? From Art to Brexit to Tesla Cars” by Florian Cramer https://autonomousfabric.org/text/what-is-autonomy “New Instutionalism Revisited “ www.on-curating.org/issue-21-reader/new-institutionalism-revisited.html#.XdE_cb9CfOQ |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | 100 % attendance |
Termine | Study Trip: 18 May - 24 May |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Bemerkung | For study trips abroad, generally only the overnight stay will be organized and financed by the degree programme. If the overnight costs are much higher than the travel costs, students must contribute to the costs for the overnight stay. |