Christoph Merki
1.5 CreditsDMU-WKFK-8003.20F.002

Monika Gysel (MoGy)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VRE-L-412.20F.001_(MTH/BTH)

Kurt Widorski
3 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2102.20F.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-15-2.20F.002

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-15-2.20F.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-16.20F.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-16.20F.002

Lars Mlekusch
1.5 CreditsDMU-WKAN-1201.20F.001

Chris Wiesendanger, Dennis Bäsecke-Beltrametti
1 CreditDMU-WKAN-1202.20F.001

Martina Schucan
2 CreditsDMU-WKAN-1200.20F.001

2 CreditsMKT-VKO-SEAK-KE08-4.20F.001

Cécile Hummel
2 Creditsmae-vkp-209.20F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-PJAPO-MOMA-08-3.20F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2006.20F.001

Referate verschiedener Fachexpertinnen und Fachexperten
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-HV-4000.20F.001

Dieter Ringli
2 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2004.20F.001

Sylvia Sobottka (SySo)
3 CreditsBTH-VDR-L-3011.20F.001

Astrid Schenka (AS)
3 CreditsFTH-BTH-VDR-L-316.20F.001_WF_(MTH/BTH)

Prof.Dr. Mira Sack (MS), NN
2 CreditsBTH-VTP-L-505.20F.001_WF

Sylvia Sobottka (SySo)
4 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0020.20F.002_WF

Andreas Bürgisser (ABü), Christopher Kriese (CKri)
4 CreditsBTH-VTP-L-5130.20F.001

Katharina Cromme (CK)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.20F.014_(MTH/BTH)

Domenico Ferrari
2 CreditsDMU-WKMT-6002.20F.002

Ulrike Meyer Stump
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-4024.20F.001

Andrea Zimmermann
2 Creditsbae-bae-vt210-01.20F.001

Franziska Gohl
Adrian Frey
0.5 CreditsDMU-WKMP-4211.20F.001

Bruno Karrer
1 CreditDMU-WKAN-1207.20F.001

Burkhard Kinzler
1 CreditDMU-WKMA-2412.20F.001

Paola De Martin
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-2019.20F.001

Natalia Ursina Sidler, Susanne Petersen Stv. ab 30.4.20
0 CreditsMMP-VSMU-SSII-KK15-1.20F.002

Franziska Gohl
Adrian Frey
0.5 CreditsDMU-WKMP-4210.20F.001

Elisabeth Angst FD Horn
Martin Sonderegger FD Klarinette
Fränzi Frick FD Violine
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-SKLA-PK08.20F.001

Anne-Sophie Wegmann
3 CreditsMKT-VTH-KE06.20F.001

Cyril Kennel
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-4021.20F.001

Sigrid Adorf
2 Creditsmae-vkp-206.20F.001

Conradin Wolf
2 Creditsmae-vkp-206.20F.002

Thomas Schärer, Christina Horisberger
1 Creditbae-bae-dt620-12.20F.001

Katrin Luchsinger, Susann Wintsch
2 Creditsbae-bae-dt220-01.20F.001

Andrea Zimmermann
2 Creditsbae-bae-vt630-01.20F.001

Basil Rogger
Njomza Dragusha
Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.20F.004

Basil Rogger, Patrick Müller, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.20F.006

Rada Leu, Peter Tränkle, Claudio Bucher
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.20F.008

Thomas Peter
1.5 CreditsDMU-WKMT-6101.20F.001

Lukasz Polowczyk (extern)
0.5 CreditsDMU-WKMP-4502.20F.001

Corina Zuberbühler und Stefano Vannotti
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-HV-2000.20F.001

Leitung: Sabine Gisiger
Dozierende: Christian Iseli, Sabine Gisiger und Gäste
0.5 CreditsMFI-VDF2p4p.BFI.20F.001

Martina Bovet
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.20F.001

Andreas Zihler
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.20F.002

Sebastian Piekarek
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.20F.003

M. Bader, S. Soydan, D. Thorner
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOKF-09.20F.001

Prof. Dr. Jörn Peter Hiekel
2 CreditsDMU-WKFK-8004.20F.002

Cécile Hummel
1 Creditmae-mae-106.20F.001

Ruedi Widmer
4 Creditsmae-mtr-201.20F.001

Ruedi Widmer
2 Creditsmae-vpu-203.20F.004

Eirini Sourgiadaki, Fabian Gutscher
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1019.20F.001

Beat Schäfer
2 CreditsMPE-VKM-KE21.20F.001

Patrick Müller, Basil Rogger, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.20F.001

Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Katja Gläss, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.20F.002

Barbara Naegelin
Basil Rogger
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.20F.003

Patrick Müller, Soenke Gau
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.20F.004

Jana Thierfelder, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.20F.005

Natalia Ursina Sidler, Charlotte Hug
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8008.20F.005

Bernadette Kolonko
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.20F.003

Bernhard Lehner
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.20F.002

Johannes Schild
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.20F.003

André Fischer
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.20F.006

Lars Heusser
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.20F.001

Anne-Sophie Lahrmann
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.20F.010

Kaspar Ewald
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.20F.004

Angelika Eva Moths
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.20F.008

Gerald Raunig
3 CreditsBFA-BFA-Th.20F.017

Timothy Walter Kleinert
2 CreditsDMU-WKMT-6300.20F.001

Prof. Dr. Jörn Peter Hiekel
1 CreditDMU-WKAN-1208.20F.001

Maike Thies (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, BA Game Design)
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-X-1234.20F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOMA-03.20F.004
Seminar 3: Trading Identities. Belonging and belongings in global culture(s) (gLV) 

Collaborative project with MA in Cultural Publishing of ZHdK and Theaterspektakel Zurich
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MTR-MTR-1002.20F.003 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Seminar |
Veranstalter | Departement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung |
Leitung | Barbara Naegelin Basil Rogger |
Zeit | Fr 21. Februar 2020 bis Fr 3. April 2020 / 9:15–12:30 Uhr 1. Quartal wöchentlich |
Ort | Atelier Transdisziplinarität ZT 7.F03 |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 25 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Studium MA Transdisziplinarität Für Studierende anderer Studiengänge der ZHdK, im Rahmen der Geöffneten Lehrveranstaltungen: Einschreibung über ClickEnroll https://intern.zhdk.ch/?clickenroll |
Zielgruppen | Wahlpflicht für Master Trainsdisziplinarität Geöffnete Lehrveranstaltung für alle Master-Studierenden der ZHdK |
Inhalte | The "Theaterspektakel Zurich", which turned 40 last year, has always had a strong focus on the presentation of “the other”, and in this sense was in particular a platform for performers from the global south to present themselves in a Western context. In these forty years, the "Theaterspektakel" made huge efforts to familiarize a white Swiss audience with non-white cultural productions. However, these efforts don't seem innocent from today's point of view, because our understanding and approach towards differences, migration and racism has – luckily – shifted into the direction of a postcolonial perspective. It is therefore important to look very closely at the trades that are taking place when we seem to behave kindhearted and welcome "other" cultures, expecting from them to expose themselves and their cultural work for us, the Western consumers. How could this context of the festival, the setting, the artists, and the audiences with their respective motivations for their presence, come into a real / physical and discursive exchange that would be fruitful for everyone? The seminar intends to enter into a discourse with all the participants of the festival by realizing an intervention in the festival-site in the second half of August 2020, thus by collaborating with the seminar of the same name in the program of the Cultural Publishing MA and with the artistic direction of the Theaterspektakel. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Will follow at the beginning of the seminar. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Aktive Mitarbeit, 80% Anwesenheit, Entwicklung einer eigenen Arbeit einzeln oder im Team. |
Termine | Freitagvormittag jeweils 09:15 bis 12:30 Uhr am 21.2. / 28.2. / 6.3. / 13.3. / 20.3. / 27.3. / 3.4. |
Dauer | 7 Halbtage im 1. Quartal |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Bemerkung | Die Veranstaltung ist vernetzt mit der gleichnamigen Lehrveranstaltung des Master Kulturpublizistik (Lead Ruedi Widmer, Eva Mackensen), die u.a. die Entwicklung und Realisation eines Blogs zum Thema auf www.zollfreilager.net beinhaltet. Es ist erwünscht, dass sich Studierende in beiden Veranstaltungen einschreiben und/oder sich an der Produktion im jeweils anderen Projekt beteiligen. |