Practice: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
William Davis, Monster Chetwynd, Mathis Altmann
18 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.19H.007
Praxis: Choose your battles and kill your darlings
Thomas Julier, Martin Jaeggi, Lucie Kolb
18 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.19H.009
Praxis: Defining oneself, refining oneself, denying oneself
Marta Riniker-Radich, Simon Fahrni
18 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.19H.012
Praxis: Die Probe – Vermischtes, Verknüpftes und Hybrides
Alexander Tuchacek, Annemarie Bucher, Nils Röller
18 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.19H.010
Praxis: tonimtonimtoni (Ton im Ton im Toni)
Andres Bosshard, Nadia Graf, Nils Röller
18 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.19H.011