Ausstellungsszenografie / Exhibition Scenography (gLV) 

Next Stop? A Speculative, Imaginary, Extension Proposal to the SBB exhibition, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (3.8.2019 - 5.1.2020).

Angebot für

Nummer und Typmae-vcs-204.19H.001 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung
LeitungAntonio Scarponi
Fr 8. November 2019 bis Fr 29. November 2019 / 8:30–16:30 Uhr
OrtAtelier Art Education ZT 4.T39
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 14
ECTS2 Credits
VoraussetzungenStudierende MA Art Education Curatorial Studies: keine

Für Studierende anderer Studiengänge bzw. Vertiefungen der ZHdK, im Rahmen der geöffneten Lehrveranstaltungen:
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LehrformFrontal lectures, seminars, workshops, spatial interventions (mockups), field research
ZielgruppenStudierende MA Art Education Curatorial Studies
Lernziele / KompetenzenThe "Lernziele" and "Kompetenzen" that students will acquire during the course will be focused on an applied and hands-on as well as critical understanding of contemporary exhibition scenography. Concretely, students will learn basic knowledge of what it takes to conceive an exhibition scenography project from a critical as well a technical point of view. Students will be confronted with the understanding of the decision-making process of an existing exhibition (SBB) through "content in context" pedagogical approach from which they will gain technical knowledge on idea representation techniques strategies (model, render, colleges, diagrams, etc.) to the more technical aspect of the realization (lighting, physical display, narrative sequences, public behaviour, signage).
InhalteThe Ausstellungszenografie / Exhibition Scenography seminar and workshop for the fall semester 2019 will focus on the design of an "extension" of the SBB exhibition at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich in Austellungstrasse 60 (3.8.2019 - 5.1.2020).

Exhibition design can be seen as the critical practice of display of documents, artworks or artefacts of different nature, in relation to different subjects (audience) to carve a narrative out of the oblivion. By definition, this practice can ever be far complete or exhaustive. Curators are facing several constraints such as space, time, economic resources, documents availability as well as political stances, which make exhibitions "ontological art forms”.

Students will be challenged to confront themselves with the current SBB exhibition and imagine to add and design a "missing" section to "complete" the given narrative. The focus will be on the content and the language of the exhibition scenography: the spatial relationship between the display and the audience’s behaviour. Students are invited to explore the narrative power of display, reflecting how a new hypothetical layer can influence the focus of the exhibition and its understanding.

To operate the SBB exhibition as a case study, critical as well as technical scenographic design tools and methodologies will be presented within the frame of contemporary exhibition scenography.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungMindestens 80% Präsenz und aktive Teilnahme, Bearbeitung von Literatur und Übungen. Bewertung mit "bestanden/ nicht bestanden".
TermineHerbstsemester 2019
Freitag, 08:30 - 16:30

Dauer4 x 7
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (4)