Interdisziplinärer Workshop Nr. 3: Literature as Exile - Exile as Literature as Exile 

Literature speaks of what language doesn’t speak of, what language is silent about. It’s not something which we don’t speak of among ourselves, but something the imposed order in us and among us, incarnated by language, is not able to speak of. Maurice Blanchot articulates the insight perfectly: "Writer speaks a language spoken by nobody." That’s why literature is an exile.

This Workshop will deal with issues such as: exile in metaphor and from metaphor; exile in story and from story; exile in criticism and from criticism; exile in memory and from memory; exile in irony and from irony; exile in tragedy and from tragedy; exile in inner emigration and from inner emigration; exile in self-censorship and from self-censorship; exile in silence and from silence.

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Nummer und Typmae-mtr-101.19H.003 / Moduldurchführung
ModulInterdisziplinärer Workshop 
VeranstalterDepartement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung
LeitungMelinda Nadj Abonji, Sreten Ugricic
Di 7. Januar 2020 bis Fr 10. Januar 2020 / 9–17 Uhr
OrtZT 4.T37 Seminarraum (30P TL)
Anzahl Teilnehmende8 - 16
ECTS2 Credits
LehrformWorkshop & Block-Seminar
ZielgruppenMA Art Education, MA Transdisziplinarität, MA Musikpädagogik (Schulmusik), MA Fachdidaktik Künste
InhalteThe Workshop will recognize the Exile as Literature – Litarature as Exile in Homer, in Book of Genesis, in Ovid, in Dante, in Kleist, in Daniel Defoe, in Nikolai Gogol, in Herman Melville, in Kafka, in Thomas Mann, in W. G. Sebald, in Getrude Stein, in Janet Frame, in Nabokov, in Marieluise Fleisser, in Rosa Luxemburg, in Joyce, in Beckett, in Fernando Pessoa, in James Baldwin, in Miloš Crnjanski, in Roberto Bolaño, etc.
Results may be written texts (essay, or story, or review of a book mentioned during the workshop) or some kind of performance or dialogue.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungAktive Teilnahme und Mitwirkung
TermineHerbstsemester 2019

Dienstag - Freitag 07.-10.01.20

Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungDieser Workshop ist eine von sieben gleichzeitig stattfindenden, thematisch teils überschneidenden Veranstaltungen. Die Studierenden arbeiten an den ersten drei Tagen je von
9.00 h bis 17.00 h, am vierten Tag von 9.00 h bis 12.00 h am jeweiligen Thema; der Nachmittag des vierten Tages gilt dem wechselseitigen Kennenlernen der Überlegungen und Resultate.
Termine (4)