Donatella Laura Ada Bernardi, Nicola Genovese, Pascal Sidler
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.001

Swetlana Heger-Davis, Nina Kerschbaumer
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.012

Swetlana Heger-Davis
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.002

Nina Kerschbaumer, Aurèle Ferrier
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.004

Christoph Schenker, Franz Krähenbühl
6 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.006

Yvonne Wilhelm
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.008

Laura von Niederhäusern, Mathieu Copeland
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.009

Donatella Laura Ada Bernardi, Marie-France Rafael, Pascal Sidler
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.19H.001

Dominique Lämmli, Nina Kerschbaumer
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.19H.003

Erik Steinbrecher, Elodie Pong
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.19H.005

Yvonne Wilhelm, Quinn Latimer
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.19H.006
Pool 6: October School 2019 Mexico City 

Contemporary Public Art
This year’s October School—the annually recurring event of the InOctober network (see InOctober.org)—is going to take place in Mexico City. With the focus on contemporary public art the intense two-week program dedicates its attention on significant local issues with global relevance. In workshops, field research, students-to-students teaching, seminars and lectures you discuss and practically reflect social and environmental challenges in the urban context. You work together with students from all over the world, you gain intercultural competence, and get a unique insight and understanding in the local culture, problems, and challenges of the megacity. And you learn from and exchange with peers, artists, and experts artistic strategies to influence public debates.
This year’s October School—the annually recurring event of the InOctober network (see InOctober.org)—is going to take place in Mexico City. With the focus on contemporary public art the intense two-week program dedicates its attention on significant local issues with global relevance. In workshops, field research, students-to-students teaching, seminars and lectures you discuss and practically reflect social and environmental challenges in the urban context. You work together with students from all over the world, you gain intercultural competence, and get a unique insight and understanding in the local culture, problems, and challenges of the megacity. And you learn from and exchange with peers, artists, and experts artistic strategies to influence public debates.
Nummer und Typ | MAF-MAF-Po00.19H.006 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Pool |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Christoph Schenker, Franz Krähenbühl |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 7 |
ECTS | 6 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Course language: English You are a student with a special interest in art and public issues, in the Mexican context, in public debates, in strategies and approaches of contemporary public art. You are open-minded, highly interested, you bring social and intercultural competence, and you are willing to work and engage in international groups on social issues. |
Lehrform | Pool-Seminar Workshops, field research, students-to-students teaching, seminars, lectures, collaborative practice |
Zielgruppen | MFA students |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | You get an understanding on challenges of the Mexican society, on current debates in contemporary public art, knowledge on critical thinking, intercultural competence, and interdisciplinary working methods. Artistic approaches and skills to initiate and influence public debates. |
Inhalte | After Zurich 2016, Delhi 2017 and Delhi 2018, the October School 2019 in Mexico City is conceived and organized by local experts with many contributions by guest speakers and artists. The local host is José Miguel Gonzales Casanova, professor at the Facultad de Artes y Diseño (FAD) at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). InOctober is a network of art universities that consolidates and deepens the research and education on relevant public issues and on contemporary artistic phenomenons. It is a network of competence particularly for artistic and research skills in the field of contemporary public art. The October School brings together about 35 students from 7 art universities in Akita (Japan), Delhi (India), Hong Kong (China), Johannesburg (South Africa), Mexico City (Mexico), and Zurich (Switzerland) for an intensive two week program. About the teachers: Franz Krähenbühl (Bern and Zurich) studied art history at University of Bern and art and mediation at Lucerne University of the Arts. At the Institut for Contemporary Art Research (IFCAR) at the department Art & Media at ZHdK he develops and curates InOctober, an international network on Contemporary Public Art with several aligned partner universities. As an academic he works at F+F School for Art and Design Zurich, at Schule für Gestaltung Bern, and at University of the Arts Bern. He’s the co-funder of transform.bz. As independent curator he has realized a variety of exhibitions and projects, and he currently runs the Shedhalle Zurich. Further he’s member of the board for art in public spheres at the city of Bern, and writers and critic. Christoph Schenker is Professor ZFH of Philosophy of Art and Contemporary Art at the ZHdK. Since 2005, he has been head of the Institute for Contemporary Art Research (IFCAR), part of the university’s department Art & Media. In the MFA, Schenker holds seminars and colloquia on practice based artistic research, and he mentors students especially with a research focus in their art practice. Schenker’s main research fields are artistic research as well as contemporary public art (art & public sphere). In both fields, he cultivates very close collaborations with artists. Since 2015, together with Gitanjali Dang (Mumbai, India) he conducts Draft, an interdisciplinary project exploring contemporary art that produces, contributes to or provokes public debate, including Teatro Ojo (Mexico City), CAMP (Mumbai), Chto Delat (St. Petersburg), Knowbotiq (Zürich), Jasmina Metwaly & Philip Rizk (Cairo), Samson Young (Hong Kong), Ju Anqi (Beijing), and others. While still a student (of literature, philosophy and art history), Schenker has learnt from his artists’ fellows that doing art has a lot to do with creating problems and producing a specific form of knowledge. As a consequence, he joined those adventures as accomplice, as writer and curator. Later, as a lecturer and head of the Studiengang Bildende Kunst at the ZHdK, he founded the Kunsthof Zürich (1993–2013), an outdoor art space, which he ran in very close collaboration with art students and international artists. www.ifcar.ch |
Bibliographie / Literatur | inoctober.org/ |
Termine | 26 October – 10 November |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Bemerkung | Application closed |