Donatella Laura Ada Bernardi, Nicola Genovese, Pascal Sidler
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.001

Swetlana Heger-Davis, Nina Kerschbaumer
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.012

Swetlana Heger-Davis
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.002

Nina Kerschbaumer, Aurèle Ferrier
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.004

Christoph Schenker, Franz Krähenbühl
6 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.006

Yvonne Wilhelm
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.008

Laura von Niederhäusern, Mathieu Copeland
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.19H.009

Donatella Laura Ada Bernardi, Marie-France Rafael, Pascal Sidler
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.19H.001

Dominique Lämmli, Nina Kerschbaumer
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.19H.003

Erik Steinbrecher, Elodie Pong
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.19H.005

Yvonne Wilhelm, Quinn Latimer
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.19H.006
Pool 10: Soul Lubrication 

The course sets to forge relationships with Earth, Water, Fire and Air as technologies to understand their processes in our world and within ourselves. Through observation, experience, research, intuition, practice and storytelling, we will build intimacy with the elements and under their guidance harness histories, memories and teachings sprung from the complex bio-socio-political and spiritual landscapes they/we inhabit.
Nummer und Typ | MAF-MAF-Po00.19H.010 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Pool |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Tabita Rézaire |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 12 |
ECTS | 3 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Course language: English Openness of mind-heart-spirit |
Lehrform | Pool-Seminar Listening, meditation, conversation, observation, field trips |
Zielgruppen | MFA students |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen |
Inhalte | The course takes as a departure one of Rezaire's works called "Lubricate Coil Engine" (2017), a healing circle which dwells into spiritual technologies of information and communication as remedies towards our collective suffering. "Lubricate Coil Engine" is a supplication to restore our ability to connect. While eternity is on repeat, and anxiety on the rise, we keep scrolling into the void to escape our existential conditions. Under the guidance of the Bakongo cosmogram, this litany for connection travels around the four moments of the sun and envisions the revival of spiritual information technologies to supplement our Internet diet. In this ceremonial meditation on information technologies: water, the womb, dream plants and sound are retrieved as connective interfaces against manufactured amnesia. Across the sun’s journey, Rezaire guides us into a cycle of life from birth to death and rebirth and in each stages shares technological tales and practices anchored in the four elements of Water, Earth, Fire and Air. She creates a constellation of networks—as she cruises through desktop folders and leads breathing exercises—where the organic, technological and spiritual realms harmonize effortlessly. "Lubricate Coil Engine" salutes spiritual channels as communication networks and imagines the promises of decolonial modes of communication. Rising sun = Birth = Water = Womb = Site of creation nourishment Midday sun = Existence = Fire = Internet = Balancing inner heat Setting sun = Death = Earth = Dream plants = Inner composting Midnight sun = Rebirth = Air = Sound = Soul listening The course "Soul Lubrication" will expand the duration of "Lubricate Coil Engine" from 1 hour to 4 days allowing us to deepen into the questions, research and practices within the work. Day 1: Earth Day 2: Water Day 3: Fire Day 4: Air About the teacher: Tabita Rezaire is an artist-healer-seeker working with screens and energy streams. Her cross-dimensional practice envisions network sciences—organic, electronic and spiritual—as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness. Navigating digital, corporeal and ancestral memory as sites of struggles, she digs into scientific imaginaries to tackle the pervasive matrix of coloniality that affect the songs of our body-mind-spirits. Tabita is based in Cayenne, French Guyana. She has a Bachelor in Economics (FR) and a Master of Research in Artist Moving Image from Central Saint Martins (UK). Tabita is a founding member of the artist group NTU, half of the duo Malaxa, and the mother of the energy house SENEB. In 2018, she had solo exhibitions in PSM Gallery, Berlin, Interstitial Gallery, Seattle, The Royal Standard, Liverpool. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Souffles by Birago Diop |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Min. 80 % attendance time |
Termine | Time: 07:00 - 18:00 o'clock 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 October |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Bemerkung | May we grow our capacity and courage to love. |