Projektwoche: Exkursion Pristina 

Project Week: Commons-Lab goes to Pristina
Nummer und TypMTR-MTR-1009C.19H.001 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung
LeitungBasil Rogger, Njomza Dragusha, Irene Vögeli, Katja Gläss
Mo 2. September 2019 bis Fr 6. September 2019
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 16
ECTS1 Credit
VoraussetzungenStudium MA Transdisziplinarität
Interesse am Themenfeld, Bereitschaft im Lab einen eigenen Beitrag zu leisten.
LehrformExkursion, Lab, Workshop
ZielgruppenWahlpflicht für Studierende MA Transdisziplinarität sowie Master-Studierenden anderer Studiengänge bzw. Vertiefungen der ZHdK, die Interesse am Themenbereich haben und sich aus der eigen Arbeitspraxis heraus aktiv einbringen möchten.
Lernziele / KompetenzenThe excursion aims to broaden our view on the topics of commons and of cooperative practices by researching and visiting local initiatives and projects in Kosovo, a region of Europe which is closely related to Switzerland through a community of migrants.
With the involvement of numerous local actors and activists and under the expert guidance of Njomza Dragusha, we will especially do one thing during the project week in a dense program: Take a very close look.
InhalteIn May 2019 it was announced that Pristina will host the Manifesta 2022. On the occasion of this announcement Hedwig Fijen, director of Manifesta, proclaimed: "The cultural, legal and political paralysis of the 1990s resulted in a loss of sense of public space and a lack of recognition for what is common. I wish Manifesta can provide Pristina the means of reconstructing, redefining and reclaiming a radicalized and diverse public space, which still seems to be today regarded as a cultural subversive act, which can become a call for change." And Shpend Ahmeti, Mayor of Pristina, replied enthusiastically: "Manifesta is what we need not to push for an honest discussion about the direction of the city, but also as an example of the rebirth of cities, art and architecture in Western Balkans."
Once again, the arts are supposed to straighten things: they solve development problems, they open up space for discussion, they help healing wounds and they are expected to create new public spaces and thus a new political public. This expectation is problematic in two ways: first, it overburdens the arts, and secondly, it negates how many local initiatives Pristina already has. But they had and still have to fight hard for their status, have to conquer the spaces, procure the resources themselves, and all too often fight against the active resistance of precisely those politicians who now pretend to receive the Manifesta with open arms.
Bibliographie / LiteraturWill follow at the beginning of the excursion.
Termine2. bis 6. September
Dauer1-wöchige Exkursion
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungDie ZHdK übernimmt einen Teil der Kosten für Reise und Unterkunft. Der genaue Unkostenbeitrag für Teilnehmende wird nach Ablauf der Einschreibefrist im Juli bekanntgegeben.

Die Exkursion kann unabhängig vom Besuch des Allmende-Commons-Labs besucht werden. Dort werden jedoch die Erkenntnisse der Exkursion vertieft. 

Unterrichtssprachen sind Englisch und Deutsch.
The course will be held in English and German.