HKB / "ACT Performance Festival" 

Kursangebot der Partnerschulen HKB

Angebot für

Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-WPM-02.19F.008 / Moduldurchführung
ModulMaster-Campus-Theater-CH 02 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungLeitung: Master CAP
Tutor: Valerian Maly, Dorothea Schürch & Gäste
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 10
ECTS2 Credits
InhalteSince 2003, ACT has offered a platform for art students at Swiss universities to present their performance
projects. The festival tours through various cities in Switzerland and views itself as an open laboratory for the
exploration of artistic strategies.

This practical module helps students take advantage of and participate in the national performing arts scene.
Students are required to present their projects at an initial event entitled Mammuttag and to perform in at least
one of the venues. Staff from the MA in Contemporary Arts Practice at the HKB will coach the students, with
feedback provided by an external expert.
Mammuttag: Saturday, March 16, 2019, Progr Room 369, Bern (confirmed, mandatory for all participants)
ACT Bern: Thursday, April 4, 2019, Dampfzentrale (confirmed)
ACT Sierre: Saturday, April 13, 2019, Théâtre Les Halles (provisional)
ACT Zürich: Saturday, April 27, 2019, Toni Areal (provisional)
ACT Genf: Saturday, May 4, 2019 (provisional)
ACT Basel: Saturday, May 18, 2019 (provisional)
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Termine (6)