Inszenieren: Formate: Attempts on Crisis_VRE 

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Nummer und TypBTH-BTH-L-0021.19F.007 / Moduldurchführung
ModulModulvorlage VSC/VTP/VRE/VDR_2 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungMudar Al Haggi (MAH), Erik Altorfer (EA), Sabine Harbeke (SH)
Anzahl Teilnehmende4 - 11
ECTS2 Credits
ZielgruppenL2 VRE (sep. Modul Master Schauspiel)

Wahlmöglichkeit (CR2):
L2 VTP / L2 VDR / L2 VBN
Lernziele / KompetenzenExchanging ideas, artistic approaches and working methods in an international group with students and young theatre makers. Finding ways to transform the own reality as well as other realities into scenes. Working on Syrian and European plays, appropriating stories from the other and transforming them into new stories.
InhalteWe can look at the concept of crisis from different perspectives. How are our individual realities affected by crisis? How is crises represented and tackled in a play, on stage? European and Syrian theatre makers are facing constantly new realities – personally and politically, on a private and on a professional level. What are the issues we can confront on stage when the reality around us seems to be more powerful than any fiction? How do we find the appropriate form to transform this reality into a theatrical story?
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderunggem. Angaben der/des Modulverantwortlichen
TermineRaum: 2 grosse Proberäume (davon einer mit Klavier) + 2 mittlere Proberäume
DauerAnzahl Wochen: 2 (FS: Wo:22/23) / Modus: Mo-Fr, jeweils 10.30-21.00h, Wo23: Präsentation: Do/Fr, 20h
Selbststudiumszeit pro Semester: ca. 16h
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (36)