Ausstellungsszenografie (gLV) 

The goal of the seminar is to provide a spatial understanding of exhibitions as a form of public space. Tools, reflections and discourses currently applied to the design and composition of public spaces, will be adapted and contextualized into an exhibition design exercise. Students will be provided with four dichotomies defined by Jan Gehl as city and site planning tools that can be used to read, understand, design and compose public spaces:
  • to "assemble" or to "disperse"
  • to "integrate" or to "segregate"
  • to "invite" or to "repel"
  • to "open up" or "close in"

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Nummer und Typmae-vcs-204.19F.001 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung
LeitungAntonio Scarponi (Modulverantwortlicher); Serge von Arx
Do 7. März 2019 bis Fr 29. März 2019 / 9–17 Uhr
OrtAtelier Art Education ZT 4.T39
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 20
ECTS2 Credits

Für Studierende anderer Studiengänge bzw. Vertiefungen der ZHdK, im Rahmen der Geöffneten Lehrveranstaltungen: Einschreibung über ClickEnroll
LehrformLectures, seminars, workshops, spatial interventions.
ZielgruppenStudierende MA Art Education Curatorial Studies
Lernziele / KompetenzenKnowledge: based on the proposed dichotomies, students will gain familiarity on how to establish a spatial relationship between subjects and objects.

Methods: the public space will be reflected as an archive of spatialities, narratives and identities that can be transferred, hacked, modified and articulate the scenographic strategy of an exhibition space.

Attitude: students will be encouraged to develop "guerrilla scenography tactics" in order to maximize the potential of space morphologies using an "as found" attitude.
InhalteOn the first phase of the workshop, students will be invited to read and map the city as a collection of forms of these dichotomies. In the second phase, they will be guided to assemble a "pop up" exhibition on public space, that uses these dichotomies as a taxonomy to compose an "exhibition narrative".
Bibliographie / LiteraturGiorgio Agamben, What is a dispositive? Diaphanes-Verlag, Zurich / Berlin, 2008.

Gilles Deleuze, Qu'est-ce qu'un dispositif?, Edition du Seuil, Paris, 1989.

Gilles Deleuze, "Foucault", Les Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1986, pp.13-37.

Jan Gehl, Life Between Buildings, Island Press, 1971.

Franco Farinelli, "Blinding Polyphemus. Geography and the Models of the World", Translated by Christina Chalmers, Chicago University Press, 2016, cap. 2; cap. 5.

Richard Sennett, Building and Dwelling, Penguin Books, 2018, pp.230-267, chapter 7.
Christopher Alexander, Notes on the Synthesis of Form, Harvard University Press, 1968, pp.1-27.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungAbgabe und Vorstellung aller Seminarübungsteile. Mindestens 80% Präsenz und aktive Teilnahme. Bewertung mit "bestanden/ nicht bestanden".
TermineFrühlingssemester 2019

Donnerstag 07.03.2019
1.Introduction to public space and urban dichotomies.

Freitag 08.03.2019
2. Exhibitions as public spaces

Freitag 15.03.2019
3. Pop up exhibition planning and composition

4. Pop up exhibition construction and opening
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (4)