Theorie: Popularization & Revantgarde (gLV) 

Transfers between Avant-gardes and Pop(ular) Cultures

Angebot für

Nummer und TypBKM-BKM-Th.18F.005 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungJörg Scheller
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 18
ECTS3 Credits
VoraussetzungenA fondness for translation, transgression, transformation and transfer
A zeal to cross borders even when they no longer exist
A love for the highs of low and the lows of high
A hunch that "and" is more topical than "or"

Seminar language: English
ZielgruppenStudents BA Art & Media
Open to students from all departments.

Participants from other departements please send an email to and will be contacted in week 6.
Lernziele / KompetenzenKnowledge of avant-garde art(s), popular culture(s), their interconnections and interdependencies
InhalteOur time is characterized by an increasingly strong and dynamic interplay between high and low, avant-garde and pop(ular) culture, trash and treasure, kitsch and critique. There are no certainties, there is no self-evidence – revered avant-garde works in the museums may appear as trivial and retro whereas formerly frowned-upon pop artefacts may reveal an avant-garde side. Pop Art is now challenged by Art Pop and Avant Pop. Translation, transgression, transformation, appropriation, de- and recontextualization are at work at all levels of culture – at least in liberal, open societies. The islands of artists, philosophers, designers or are no longer separated – if they have ever been – but CONNECTED by the ocean of globalization and digitalization.
Against this background, the seminar focuses, among others, on the strange and unlikely interconnections between avant-garde movements around 1900 and black metal music of the 1990s, concrete art and shopping bags, surrealism and ice cream commercials, Jay-Z and Picasso, Beyoncé and Pipilotti Rist, Rummelsnuff and Norwegian neo-expressionism, aquariums and the apocalypse…

The list is open for suggestions by the students!

P.S.: it's not about claiming: it's all the same! But rather: difference and similarity are two sides of the same coin...

Joerg Scheller is an art historian, journalist and musician. He is head of theory of the BA Art & Media, visiting lecturer at the University of Arts in Poznan, Poland, and regular contributor to newspapers and magazines such as DIE ZEIT, NZZ, frieze magazine, Camera Austria. Besides, he is singer & bass player of the heavy metal delivery service Malmzeit (since 2003) and the regressive rock duo The Silver Ants (since 2015).
Bibliographie / LiteraturWill be handed out in class
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungContinuous, active participation. Short presentation & written comments, 100 % attendance.
TermineBlockwoche 2 (9.- 13.4.2018)
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (5)