Johanna Bruckner & Alexandros Kyriakatos with BLOCC (Building Leverage Over Creative Capitalism)
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.001

Katharina Brandl
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.004

Rory Rowan, Donatella Bernardi
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.009

Dieter Mersch, Florian Dombois, Patrick Müller, Isabel Mundry, Donatella Laura Ada Bernardi
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.005

Giaco Schiesser, Kamran Behrouz, Marina Belobrovaja, Sasha Huber, Xenia Kalpaktsoglou, Petra Köhle, Laetitia Morais, Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, Laura von Niederhäusern, Julia Weber, Kai Ziegner
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.006

Dominique Lämmli.
Gastdozierende: Thomi Wolfensberger (Steindruckatelier Wolfensberger) und Denise Schwab (Werkstätte ZHdK Siebdruck). Einführungen Werkstätten ZHdK: Verantwortliche Werkstätten
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.008

Rory Rowan
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.010

Giaco Schiesser, Laura von Niederhäusern
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.011

Erik Steinbrecher, Laura Arici, Philip Matesic, NN
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.18F.001

Gerald Raunig, Uriel Orlow, Claudia Kübler
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.18F.002

Donatella Laura Ada Bernardi, Rory Rowan, Dominique Lämmli
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.18F.003

Christoph Schenker, Elodie Pong, Johanna Bruckner, Jonas Lund
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.18F.004

3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Sg00.18F.001
Pool II: Multiple Ecologies 

Gerald Raunig is professor for philosophy at ZHdK, co-founder of the eipcp (eipcp.net/) and co-editor of transversal.at. His books have been translated into English, Serbian, Spanish, Slovenian, Russian, Italian, Dutch, and Turkish. Recent books in English: Art and Revolution. Transversal Activism in the Long Twentieth Century; A Thousand Machines; Factories of Knowledge, Industries of Creativity; DIVIDUUM. Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution, Vol.1, all translated by Aileen Derieg, New York/Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/MIT Press 2016.
Francesco Salvini (*1979), also publishing as pantxo ramas, is a Doctor of Philosophy in Human Geography. On the basis of an academic and international education in Social Sciences, Political Economics and Urban Studies, and of his participation in the European and Latin American social movements, as well as of his experience in local public policy consulting, Francesco Salvini’s research focuses on the transformation and the regulation of healthcare practices in contemporary contexts. In his current collective social research with the group Entering Outside, he is addressing the transformations of the healthcare public provision in southern European cities, in collaboration with local institutions – such as National Museum Reina Sofia and the Council of Madrid in Spain, and the Regional Healthcare System of Trieste. Since 2017, he is a Research Associate at the Kent Law School in Canterbury, where he participates in a Wellcome Trust funded research project on the regulation of care and non-conventional medical practices in contemporary contexts.
Francesco Salvini (*1979), also publishing as pantxo ramas, is a Doctor of Philosophy in Human Geography. On the basis of an academic and international education in Social Sciences, Political Economics and Urban Studies, and of his participation in the European and Latin American social movements, as well as of his experience in local public policy consulting, Francesco Salvini’s research focuses on the transformation and the regulation of healthcare practices in contemporary contexts. In his current collective social research with the group Entering Outside, he is addressing the transformations of the healthcare public provision in southern European cities, in collaboration with local institutions – such as National Museum Reina Sofia and the Council of Madrid in Spain, and the Regional Healthcare System of Trieste. Since 2017, he is a Research Associate at the Kent Law School in Canterbury, where he participates in a Wellcome Trust funded research project on the regulation of care and non-conventional medical practices in contemporary contexts.
Nummer und Typ | MAF-MAF-Po00.18F.002 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Pool |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Gerald Raunig, Franco Salvini |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 15 |
ECTS | 3 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Studierende MFA Studierende anderer Master Programme (Auschreibung Master-Platform CH) können sich ab dem 5. Februar via Mail anmelden: stefanie.lanfranconi@zhdk.ch |
Lehrform | Seminar |
Inhalte | In 1989 Félix Guattari published his book Les trois écologies and tried to open up green politics beyond a reduced focus on environment. Besides this environmental plateau, he insisted on the mental and the social levels of ecology. Thus the social machines, the milieus, the envelopes and surrounds become a major issue of all further ecological thinking. In the seminar Multiple Ecologies we will read the three ecologies together with queer-feminist ecologies of care (Precarias a la Deriva, Donna Haraway) and also with an opening towards the technological plateau of ecology to finally come up with the multiple potentials of “technecologies”. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Félix Guattari, Three Ecologies Donna Haraway, Staying with the Trouble Precarias a la Deriva, "Was ist dein Streik?" Ökologien der Sorge, transversal texts transversal-journal, issue technecologies |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | 80 % attendance Active participation |
Termine | 26-29 march, 12-19 h |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |