Pool I: REALTY MATTERS: Art, Infrastructure and the Building
Johanna Bruckner & Alexandros Kyriakatos with BLOCC (Building Leverage Over Creative Capitalism)
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.001
Pool IV: Bewitched. Hexenkulturen in der Gegenwartskunst
Katharina Brandl
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.004
Pool IX: The Arts of Prometheus: Technologies of Hubris and Liberation in Contemporary Art
Rory Rowan, Donatella Bernardi
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.009
Pool V: 4 x 3
Dieter Mersch, Florian Dombois, Patrick Müller, Isabel Mundry, Donatella Laura Ada Bernardi
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.005
Pool VI: Artistic Research – In Practice and in Theory
Giaco Schiesser, Kamran Behrouz, Marina Belobrovaja, Sasha Huber, Xenia Kalpaktsoglou, Petra Köhle, Laetitia Morais, Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, Laura von Niederhäusern, Julia Weber, Kai Ziegner
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.006
Pool VIII: MATLAB. Silkscreen and kitchen to high-end lithography
Dominique Lämmli.
Gastdozierende: Thomi Wolfensberger (Steindruckatelier Wolfensberger) und Denise Schwab (Werkstätte ZHdK Siebdruck). Einführungen Werkstätten ZHdK: Verantwortliche Werkstätten
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.008
Pool X: Bordering Human/Natures: Political Ecology in Contemporary Art
Rory Rowan
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.010
Pool XI: ÜBER LEBEN – Wie leben KünstlerInnen? Erfahrungen, Haltungen, Strategien // – How do artists live? Experiences, positions, strategies
Giaco Schiesser, Laura von Niederhäusern
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Po00.18F.011
Praxis 1: "ex-ponere", Teil II
Erik Steinbrecher, Laura Arici, Philip Matesic, NN
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.18F.001
Praxis 2: Staying with the trouble, Teil II
Gerald Raunig, Uriel Orlow, Claudia Kübler
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.18F.002
Praxis 3: Open critics, Teil II
Donatella Laura Ada Bernardi, Rory Rowan, Dominique Lämmli
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.18F.003
Praxis 4: Molekulare Liebe, Teil II
Christoph Schenker, Elodie Pong, Johanna Bruckner, Jonas Lund
21 CreditsMAF-MAF-Pr00.18F.004
Student Study Groups
3 CreditsMAF-MAF-Sg00.18F.001
Praxis 2: Staying with the trouble, Teil II
Teil 2 / Part two of Praxisseminar
In this Praxis-Seminar we will engage with strategies of staying with the trouble, thinking through practice in the face of the troubles of our times. What does it mean to stay with the trouble in real and particular places and times? What kind of trouble should we make to stir up new possibilities? What kind of troubled waters should we settle to create quiet and clarity? How can we produce kinship - lines of connection, care, thinking and being and acting together? We will consider different forms of entanglements, making kin, dividuality and collectivity – this might include multi-species storytelling and multi-species justice, collective meals as practice, speculative fabulation and string figures.
In this Praxis-Seminar we will engage with strategies of staying with the trouble, thinking through practice in the face of the troubles of our times. What does it mean to stay with the trouble in real and particular places and times? What kind of trouble should we make to stir up new possibilities? What kind of troubled waters should we settle to create quiet and clarity? How can we produce kinship - lines of connection, care, thinking and being and acting together? We will consider different forms of entanglements, making kin, dividuality and collectivity – this might include multi-species storytelling and multi-species justice, collective meals as practice, speculative fabulation and string figures.
Nummer und Typ | MAF-MAF-Pr00.18F.002 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Ästhetische Praxis |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Gerald Raunig, Uriel Orlow, Claudia Kübler |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 26 |
ECTS | 21 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Gleiche TeilnehmerInnen wie im HS17 Same participants as in HS17 MFA |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | 80 % Anwesenheit aktive Teilnahme |
Termine | 19. 3. / 20. 3. / 7. 5. / 8. 5. / 9. 5., jeweils 10.00 bis 17.00 h |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |