HKB / "Laboratory of "Ethno-fictions: poetics of the real" 

Blok / Workshop: 4
Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-ERK-PART-04.18F.006 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPartnerschulen 04 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 15
ECTS4 Credits
VoraussetzungenUnterrichtssprache: Englisch
ZielgruppenAlle – Studierende der HKB, die den Workshop als Bestandteil des Blocks machen, werden bevorzugt
InhalteFrom the 23rd April to the 5th May 2018, Rolf Abderhalden, trans-disciplinary artist and co-director of Mapa Teatro Laboratorio de Artistas, offers a workshop in Bern, on the practice of "Ethno-fictions", focusing on the performative, dramaturgical, filmic and stage work developed by Mapa Teatro (Colombia-Switzerland) during its thirty years of production and artistic pedagogy.
The workshop offers actors, dancers, performers, stage directors, dramaturges and artists in general, a theoretical and practical approach to Mapa’s laboratory staging practices and construction of "ethno-fictions". The practices of "ethno-fiction" revolve around the experimentation of different forms of performative writing in space, applying a corporal/ narrative/visual device used in the art field by experimental cinema, in human sciences by contemporary visual anthropology, and developed by Mapa Teatro in the performance field since the nineties.

The workshop will consist of eight-hour daily sessions. It will give an insight into Mapa Teatro’s laboratory principles of thought-creation, and will develop a creative piece with the participants parting from a concrete experience explored in-situ, in Bern (in a specific public space, institution or abandoned place - to be chosen). The workshop will include a master-class, which will be open to the public.
This laboratory seeks to stimulate the construction of different narratives (visual and for the stage) using real materials from private and/or public life and the production of fictions (personal or of others).
The laboratory articulates the work on the body itself with any other medium chosen by the participants (space, writing, video, etc), the collective work developed by the group in a collaborative manner, the creative dimension with theoretical reflection. It articulates the private workspace (workshop venue) with other intimate or public spaces of the city: poetics and politics.

Rolf Abderhalden trained in Switzerland at the School of Higher Social and Pedagogical Studies in Lausanne, before studying theatre and set design at the Jacques Lecoq School in Paris. He has an MA in Visual Arts from the National University of Colombia and his work in the visual arts field has earned him several awards. He has a doctorate in Aesthetics, Sciences and Arts Technology from the University of Paris 8, is a professor at the Faculty of Arts at the National University of Colombia, and is coordinator and head of the Interdisciplinary Master in Theatre and Live Arts at the same university.
Termine23.-27.04. und 02.-05.05.2018
Präsentation: 5. Mai abends
Dauer9-13 Uhr und 14-18 Uhr
ABER: auch die Abende müssen freigehalten werden
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungFür HKB Studierende kann dieser Workshop als Bestandteil des Blocks gewählt werden.
Termine (2)