HKB / "The Institute of Global Solitude" 

Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-ERK-PART-02.18F.009 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPartnerschulen 02 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungChristos Passalis, Yorgos Valais
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 12
ECTS2 Credits
VoraussetzungenUnterrichtssprache: Englisch
InhalteThe Institute of Global Solitude is a durational, site-specific piece conceived by blitztheatregroup.
The IGS is a fictional institute dedicated to the research, study and promotion of solitude. Every year, the IGS opens its doors to the public of cities around the world. The first version took place in Lisbon, the second one will take place in Fribourg in June 2018.
The spectators follow a strict protocol and a personalized schedule having one to one meetings with the performers, taking part in the Solitude tour guides around the city, attending the IGS conference or filling in questionnaires and application forms.
The Institute's ambition is to form a concrete mapping of solitude, using material from all the fields of human thought, from psychological/psychoanalytical articles to philosophical texts, from theatre plays to music and plastic arts, from video art to interviews from everyday people.

The workshop has to do with concretizing the dramaturgy of this site-specific piece and its rules. Putting the actor in the centre of the artistic process as the absolute creator, the workshop will evolve around the following issues:
• how the rehearsal and the actors themselves can produce texts, based on the group’s needs and questions
• how the group can work on the text that has been produced and how can they transform it into a concrete piece
• how older texts (theatre plays, novels) and how materials from other artistic fields (music, cinema, painting, dance) can be of help in the process of creating new theatre pieces
• how an actress/an actor should forget everything about acting and should start playing using an idea as a means that will lead them to certain theatrical actions.

Christos Passalis was born in 1978. He graduated from NTNG Drama School.
He worked as a theatre actor with N.Milivojevic, M.Marmarinos, Y.Lanthimos and others.
In October 2004, he co-founded blitz theatre group.
He participated in Yorgos Lanthimos’s “Dogtooth”, which won the “Prix Un Certain Regard” at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award (Best Foreign Language Film) at the 83rd Academy Awards.
He also took part in Vardis Marinakis' 'Black Field' (Karlovy Vary Film Festival 2010), Syllas Tzoumerkas' 'Homeland' (Venice Film Festival 2010) and Fiona Tan's 'History's Future'.

Yorgos Valais was born in 1969. He graduated from Drama School ‘Arhi’.
He worked as a theatre actor with M.Marmarinos, R.Pateraki and D.Kourtakis in theatre and in cinema with K.Papavasileiou (‘In the name of the sparrow’, Cannes, 2007), S.Tzoumerkas (‘Homeland’, Venice, 2010).
In October 2004, he co-founded blitz theatre group.

About blitztheatregroup
blitz theatre group was formed in October 2004, in Athens, by Aggeliki Papoulia, Christos Passalis and Yorgos Valais. The group's basic principles are the following: Theatre is a field where people meet each other and exchange ideas in the most essential way, not a field for virtuosity and ready made truths. There is a need for answers to what society asks from art today and what theatrical structures stand for in the dawn of the 21th century. All members are equal throughout conception, writing, direction and dramaturgy process, everything is under doubt, there is nothing to be taken for granted, neither in theatre nor in life.
The group has created 15 performances so far and has presented its work in Theatre de la Ville, the Schaubühne, in Festival d’ Avignon and in various festivals in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Austria, Lebanon, Turkey, Switzerland and Greece.
The group was nominated for the XIII European Theatrical Prize, New Theatrical Realities
Termine03.04. - 09.04.2018
Dauer10.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungDie blitztheatregroup werden ihr Institut of Global Solitude am Belluard Festival in Fibourg zeigen und 3 Studierende aus dem Workshop haben die Möglichkeit, das ‚Institut’ mit zu gestalten. Die Proben beginnen am 11. Juni und die Vorstellungen finden vom 29.6. (od.30.6.) bis 1.7.2018 statt.
Termine (1)