HKB / Theorie Slot "Medialität der Künste" 

Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-ERK-PART-02.18F.005 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPartnerschulen 02 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungMichael Harenberg (Leiter Studiengang Musik und Medienkunst, HKB), Andrea Otto
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 15
ECTS2 Credits
VoraussetzungenUnterrichtssprache: Englisch
InhalteAll communication is structured by media. Media transmit or store messages, perspectives, aesthetics, but they are - as messengers and carriers of meaning - not the messages themselves. Their agency of transformation is often invisible. If it were not, we would constantly see screens and pixels instead of movies, listen to cables and loudspeakers instead of music and understand language, not stories. Interestingly they become most perceivable when they are subject to errors or lack resolution. In this introduction to media theories, we want to put the finger on the blind spots in which media act in culture and especially in the context of performing arts. How do the body and media technologies connect? Are they instruments of expansion or amputation of the human voice and organs? Together, we will read excerpts by essential authors of media theories of the 20th century and seek to enter discussions about how our individual expressions are channeled, structured and transformed by the media we choose, willingly or not.

Prof. Dr. Michael Harenberg (1961) studied musicology in Giessen and composition with Toni Völker in Darmstadt. He works with electroacoustic music, as a composer and theoretician, in the fields of instrumental and improvised music as well as sound installations. Harenberg has written a PhD on virtual instruments in the acoustic cyberspace and has led an SNF research project on the role of the performing body in electronic musical environments. He is professor for musical design and media theories as well as the head of studies of the degree program "Sound Arts" at the Bern University of the Arts. Until 2014, he led the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für elektroakustische Musik“ (DEGEM), where he has directed the "DEGEM WebRadio@ZKM“ among other things. (

Dr. Andi Otto (1980) is a composer and performer of electronic music based in Hamburg. His instrument is a sensor-extended cello which he calls „Fello“. He has written his PhD thesis about the STEIM SensorLab, a pioneering device for physical interfaces in electronic music from the 1980s. He teaches media theories and hands-on workshops on electronic musical interfaces at the Humboldt Universität Berlin and the Bern University of the Arts. Andi Otto is also a member of the Flinn-Works performance collective from Berlin, a co-founder of the Pingipung Label for electronic music, a DJ at the Golden Pudel Club in Hamburg. He has released five albums with which he tours worldwide; regular musical journeys to India and Japan show their traces in his music.
Dauer10.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (4)