Marianne Mueller, Laura Arici, Simon Fahrni
16 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.18F.006

Alexander Tuchacek, Hayahisa Tomiyasu
16 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.18F.010

Maria Eichhorn, Olivia Jaques
16 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.18F.011

Elke Bippus, Vittorio Brodmann
16 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.18F.012

Pauline Boudry, Franziska Koch, Gabriele Garavaglia, Florian Germann
16 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.18F.009

Thomas Julier, Martin Jaeggi, Lucie Kolb, Mathis Altmann
16 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.18F.007

Eran Schaerf, Aurélie Mermod
16 CreditsBKM-BKM-Pr.18F.008
Praxis: More Work More Talk 

Nummer und Typ | BKM-BKM-Pr.18F.007 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Praxis |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Thomas Julier, Martin Jaeggi, Lucie Kolb, Mathis Altmann |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 19 |
ECTS | 16 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Seminar language: English |
Zielgruppen | Students BA Art & Media |
Inhalte | We will talk about your work in various constellations and in different formats throughout the semester: in groups, all together, individually, very briefly or very extensively. We will keenly examine the terms, formats and contexts used in talking about your work as much as we will be concerned with the work itself. Each student will write a text about one of her/his works. It could be a piece of fiction, a poem, an essay, or anything else you can think of as long as it is not a regular artistist's statement. Students who are organizing exhibitions with their own, or others', works, are encouraged to discuss the shows and related text material in the class. Mathis Altman’s background is, amongst others, in sculpture. Lucie Kolb’s background is, amongst others, in language-based art. Martin Jaeggi’s background is, amongst others, in criticism. Thomas Julier’s background is, amongst others, in camera arts. Martin Jaeggi is an author, curator and teacher. He studied film and video at the School of Visual Arts, New York, and at the San Francisco Art Institute. He published in numerous contexts such as contemporary art, photography, drawing, newspapers and books. Thomas Julier is an artists and works with language, objects, photography and video. Spatio-temporal configurations involving different media are central to his works. Lucie Kolb is an artist and co-publisher of Brand-New-Life, an online magazine for art criticism. Mathis Altmann is an artist who mainly works in sculpture. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Punctuality, regular, active participation, 100% attendance |
Termine | jeweils 09:15-17:00 21., 28.2. / 7., 21., 28.3. / 4., 18., 25.4. / 2., 9., 23.5.2018 Mentorate: 22.2. / 1., 8., 22., 29.3. / 5., 19., 26.4. / 3., 24.5.2018 |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |