Plattform / "Performing Truth. Kunst und Aktivismus in Zeiten phantastischer Politik." 

Angebot für

Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-ERK-VLK-WPF.17H.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPlattform / Leitende Künstler 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungHayat-Hayriye Erdogan & Gäste
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 25
ECTS0 Credits
LehrformWahlpflichtmodul / Erkunden
Lernziele / Kompetenzen
  • Kennenlernen verschiedener künstlerischer, aktivistischer Arbeitsweisen
  • Diskussions-, Reflexions- und Kontextualisierungskompetenzen
  • Recherchekompetenzen
  • gemeinsames Lernen
  • Möglichkeiten entdecken, wie aktuelle Themen künstlerisch und kritisch behandelt werden können
InhalteConcept, Seminar Lead and Lecturer: Hayat Erdoğan
Co-Lecturers: Sean Devlin (Activist, Comedian, Filmmaker, CAN), Marcos Bulhoes (Performance Artist, Professor at University of Sao Paolo, BR)
Guests: Daniel Binswanger (Journalist, CH), Janez Jansa (Visual Artist, SVN) & Janez Jansa (Conceptual Artist, Performer, SVN), Reverend Billy (Activist, Performer, US), Robin Laverne aka Dragonfly (Performance Artist, candidate of Green Party for US Senat, US) and Gregory Corbino (Performance Artist, US), Mike Bonanno (Multi Media Artist & Activist, Yes Men)

What is the relationship of art and artists to truth? What do artistic and political truths have in common? Are artists not also able to do away with lies and bring truths to light? What artistic strategies of truth promotion can be applied in this endeavor? How can art be relevant at a time of political and social unrest, and oppose “alternative facts” with “creative lies” to endow itself with protective powers (as described by Nietzsche in “Beyond Good and Evil” and “The Gay Science”)?
“The truth is always concrete” was one of Bertolt Brecht’s favorite sayings. He was thus citing Lenin, who wrote in 1902 that “one of the main tenets of dialectical logic is that there is no abstract truth; truth is always concrete” (Lenin, “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back. The Crisis in Our party”). This motto also calls on us not to ignore the realities around us when the media starkly illuminate one issue that then overshadows all others.
The German word of the year in 2016 was “post-faktisch” (post-fact). Not long after, we were talking about “alternative facts” and “fake news”. In other words, post-truth and emotionally charged messages rather than facts and true statements? Emotions and baroque pathos as strategies of a fantastical politics? Such a perverted appropriation of artistic and aesthetic effects would fulfil the conditions of the complete aestheticization of politics that Walter Benjamin identified as characteristic of fascism in his essay “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”: marches, torch-lit processions, the films of Leni Riefenstahl as mass compatible propaganda, etc.
This platform course entitled “Performing Truth: Art and Activism in an Age of Fantastical Politics” seeks to explore questions of truth in art and politics and their relationship to lies. Into our semantic cloud called “Truth”, we will upload terms such as “true”, “probable”, “truthful”, “fact”, “genuine”, “authentic”, “real” etc., as well as “false”, “fantastical”, “fictitious”, “artificial” etc. We will discuss and analyze these terms and map phenomena that appear at the horizon of truth. We will ask what truth is, how it can be ascertained, whether there are multiple truths and whether artists and politicians produce truths by deploying the aesthetic means of lies. If art and politics are processes of truth and the goal of art is truth, as Alain Badiou puts it in his “Handbook of Inaesthetics”, we also have to discuss the nature of these truths and the truth processes in art and politics.

Part 1: Think Tank with Various Examples & Practical Workshops
23.10. – 3.11.2017
During a two-weeklong thought and practice based Think Tank we research and discuss various texts, artistic examples and current political events. Guests from different fields join us to discuss their works, their artistic strategies in the quest for truth and their understanding of political and activist art. Among others, we will engage with the artistic work of the 3 Janez Janšas, who officially took on the name of the former Slovenian prime minister, thereby questioning the public role of both the head of government and the artist in a process of subversive affirmation. We will learn and discuss with Daniel Binswanger in how far facts and lies matter in the journalistic practice and how it is a challenge to tell the one truth. We will discuss activist, filmmaker and comedian Sean Devlin’s approach on how to reveal a or the truth(s). Sean Devlin is part as a co-lecturer in the platform for three weeks,
We will learn how engaged art can look like by learning from socially engaged performing artist Marcos Bulhoes in a practical workshop during 4 days. Marcos Bulhoes will be accompanying the platform as a co-lecturer in week 1 and 2.
In the second week we will also learn how activism can become a life time task and an art form in itself by meeting with Reverend Billy, Robin Laverne & Gregory Corbino and learn how to playfully but nonetheless seriously protest against injustice, against slips like Trump, how to stand up and fight for a change in attitudes towards nature, fight against capitalism by Stop Shopping.
In addition to the contributions of the guest artists, the students will research further examples from the worlds of art, media, philosophy and politics and present these by the end of the second week. The goal by the end of the two weeks is to have gained an overview of the various concepts of truth, the artistic and political truth strategies and terminologies, to have expanded by practicing different artistic methods and strategies the artistic and intellectual toolboxes, so they can use it for their own practices.

Part 2: Workshop on Trickster Identities
6.11. – 10.11.2017
In the third week we deal with the strategies usually associated with the Yes Men. Sean Devlin, who has worked as a Thought Stylist with the Yes Men since 2011 will conduct this practical workshop. In this week Mike Bonanno (one of the Yes Men founders) will join us, too and we will screen some of the Yes Men movies and have the opportunity to discuss with him questions like how and if the revelation of truth(s), fact(s) are necessarily tied to productive lies, subversive acts etc.

Part 3: Experiment - Enactment
13.11. – 17.11.2017
During the final week of the platform “Performing Truth: Art and Activism in the Age of Fantastical Politics” there will be no further “external” input. Hayat Erdoğan will accompany and coach the students, who have now the time to reflect on the inputs. Either individually or in groups, they will sketch a project based on a cause that is both artistic and engaged in order to experiment and apply what they have learned in small try-outs. On the final day of this week, the students will present their project sketches, try-outs and causes to each other and discuss these in a final feedback round.
Termine23.10. – 17.11.2017
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (49)