INTERNATIONAL DESIGN SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 "elder & younger" Jiangnan University Wuxi China 

International Design Summer School 2017
"elder & younger"
Jiangnan University Wuxi China

Die “International Design Summer School” ist eine Tradition. Seit 2004 arbeiten Studierende aus der Schweiz, China und Indien zu künstlerisch-gestalterischen Themen, kulturellen Traditionen und gesellschaftlichen Themen interkulturell jeweils in der Schweiz, Indien oder China eng zusammen. Dabei interessieren uns Prozesse und Visionen, welche aus den Traditionen heraus die Möglichkeiten zukünftiger Lebens- und Gesellschaftsperspektiven in den jeweiligen Kulturen projezieren.

Angebot für

Nummer und TypZMO-ZMO-P016.17H.001 / Moduldurchführung
LeitungProf. Michael Krohn, Master of Arts in Design, ZHdK, Annina Gähwiler, Master of Arts in Design, ZHdK, Nandini Naga (Srishti, Bangalore), Neelima Hasjia (NID Ahmedabad), Greg Shen (Jiangnan University, Wuxi , Mo Jiao (Tongij University. Shanghai).
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 10
ECTS3 Credits

-Zugelassen sind max 10 Studierende der ZHDK, bei mehr als 10 Anmeldungen wird aufgrund des Motivationsschreibens entschieden, Kontaktpersonen:

-Vorbereitung und Teilnahme an der IDSS vom 25. Juni - 11 Juli 2017 an der Jiangnan Universität Wuxi/China, inkl. 3 Tage in Shanghai als Abschluss. Der Aufenthalt kann individuell verlängert werden.

-Interesse am Thema und interkultureller Arbeit zum Thema “elder and younger”

-gute Englischkenntnisse

-Es werden 3 ECTS Punkte dafür ausgeschüttet.

-Kosten Teilnehmer/innen: Flug nach Shanghai (ca. CHF 500 - 1’100), Visa und persönliche Ausgaben. Die ZHdK übernimmt die Kosten für die Unterkunft in den Guest Houses an der Jiangnan University.
LehrformInterdisziplinäre Design Summer School, Exkursion nach China, Seminare, Workshops, Vorträge und Schlusspräsentation. Interkulturelle Arbeit in gemischten Gruppen aus allen teilnehmenden Hochschulen. Research, Entwerfen, Umsetzen und Austausch.
ZielgruppenAlle ZHDK Studierenden aus allen Departementen. BA und MA.

Studierende, die Interesse an der Arbeit in kulturell gemischten Teams zum Thema “elder and younger” haben, können sich für die Design Summer School bewerben. Die IDSS ist ein für alle ZHdK Studierenden offenes Z-Modul mit 3 ECTS Punkten. Sie spricht vor allem, aber nicht nur, Designstudierende mit interkulturellem Interesse an.

Im Zentrum stehen Analysen von Lebensweisen und Gesellschaften innerhalb eines relevanten Themas, Design-prozesse und Entwicklung von Visionen und Lösungen, aber auch Praxen der Vermittlung, Kunst, Musik, perfomativer Formate und Handwerk. Die IDSS arbeitet transkulturell, die gastgebende Universität sorgt für Unterkunft und Infrastruktur. Dozierende von allen beteiligten Universitäten begleiten die Studierenden.
Lernziele / KompetenzenInterkulturelle Methoden und Creative Co-Creation
InhalteInterkulturelle Arbeit in gemischten Gruppen an einem relevanten Thema, das die Partnerhochschule stellt.

The IDSS 2017 aims to provide participants with a cross-cultural background and global design concerns to help them feel the differences in design issues and ways of thinking. The students will try to understand each other‘s culture and establish efficient communication of the common design context, and complete design-oriented projects.


Ageing has become a big issue that is faced in many countries. That brings a series of social and economic problems that have already begun to cause material and spiritual negative impact to everyday life. India is now at a similar point of developmemt as China was 20 years ago. Due to the relatively high proportion of young people, the education level and health insuranc must be promoted rapidly. The world develops in a circle, the ideas and lifestyles and values of Chinese Millennials are changing dramatically, similar to the condition in the developed Western world several decades ago. This complex social transitions has posted huge challenges to design innovation. Designers from different cultural backgrounds began to cooperate with mutual assistance, and come up with options and innovative thinking.

“Elder and Younger”, the topic of IDSS 2017 is about social innovation, health, family, values, economy, experience and lifestyle. From certain aspects, design can peep into the bigger world through a small hole. It enables to see the others from the perspective of globalization in China, to explore the problems and the opportunities.

IDSS 2017 is aiming to create a multicultural experience for the participants, and multicultural collaboration is its major focus. Based on the long run collaborations between Jiangnan University and Zurich University of the Arts, and together with other two partners in India and one partner in China, the summer school will create a platform for students to collaborate.

Designer as thinker and storyteller

Unlike other IDSS projects recently, this summer school intends to offer students a new opportunity for their recognition of the role as a designer in the society. Apart from using design tools to accomplish a design work, we are also dedicated in using design itself as a tool or method for thinking, creating and storytelling that could represent an innovative result beyond the traditional design work.

Each multicultural team will undertake a design-oriented project of story-telling on the overall theme in format of video or with other tools of presentation. In another word: each team needs to find a way to respond to a question that is defined by themselves::

• Elder and Younger: What are the connections between elder and younger?
• Elder or Younger: Who we age active?
• Elder for Younger: What are the roles of elderly persons in families, communities and the society?
• Younger towards elder: How to perceive active elder as yourselves?
• Elder to Younger: What about elderly in the eyes of the young?
• Younger of Elder: What about the interaction between the younger and elderly in the families?
• Elder with Younger: Who to organize the life of a multigenerational family household?

The activities of the summer school will include: cultural investigation, field research, lectures and seminar, workshops, public presentations and also happy hours. Before the summer school, each participant will conduct research in his or her home country as input for the workshop. To facilitate the final movie making and to inspire your team members, we appreciate that all students could prepare or shoot some video clips in your home countries or cities which are relevant to the topic of Elder and Younger.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungVorbereitung und aktive Mitarbeit in der IDSS mit dem gesamten Team.
TermineInfoveranstaltung 6. April, 17:15, ZT 4.T33
Anmeldung/ Motivationsschreiben bis 30. April an:
Exkursion nach China vom 25 Juni bis 11. Juli
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