Pool IV: On Being Human as Praxis 

Nummer und TypMAF-MAF-Po00.17H.004 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungYvonne Wilhelm, Christian Hübler
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 19
ECTS3 Credits
InhalteOn Being Human as Praxis sucht nach Formen und Formaten des Mit-seins: wer ist repräsentiert? wer agiert? wer ist befähigt, seine Bedürfnisse und Sehnsüchte zu äussern? wer wird gehört? wie können „wir“ uns gegenseitig unterstützen, wie überleben? wer ist überhaupt dieses „wir“?
Das Seminar sucht u.a. mit Hilfe von Sylvia Wynter, die vorschlägt, das westliche „Man“ durch „human“ zu ersetzen, nach den gemeinsamen Geschichten, den Verflechtungen und Verstricktheiten, nach Ungleichheitsbedingungen, den Widerständen in den Beziehungsgeflechten, und nach historischer und aktueller Verantwortung.

Wir untersuchen dazu künstlerische Arbeiten wie Ines Doujaks Arbeit zu exzentrischen Archiven, historischen Handelswegen und Arbeiterinnenaufständen im Spätmittelalter, wie Amar Kanwars Arbeit über indischen Reisanbau, Patentierung und Monsanto, wie Kader Attias Arbeit Repair und das Auftauchen kolonialer Spuren in Alltagsobjekten, wie Ellen Gallaghers Arbeit DeLuxe zu Werbungen von Schönheitsprodukten, wie Steve McQueens Arbeit über den Kongo und Coltan, oder Kara Walkers «A Subtlety. The Marvelous Sugar Baby, an Homage to the unpaid and overworked Artisans who have refined our Sweet tastes from the cane fields to the Kitchens of the New World».

Wir erproben das im Produzieren einer performativen Assemblage von Materialien und fragen gleichzeitig nach der Relationalität von Präsenz und Re-Präsenz (Aufzeichnung, Dokumentation, Fiktion). Die Untersuchungungen der ästhetischen Regime, in denen die angewendeten Materialien und Materialitäten zu verorten sind, sind ein weiterer Bestandteil des Seminars.

English: On being human as a praxis
looks for forms and formats of togetherness: who is represented? who acts? who is capable of expressing her/his needs and desires?
who is heard? how can "we" support each other, how to survive? who is this "we" anyway?
In her writings, Sylvia Wynter proposes to reorient liberal humanism, in which a certain way of being human: the Western universal "man"
became the reference for this "we". Wynter wants to leave this knowledge of the western man behind and overwrite it. For it is inadequate
to include the marginalised, segregated and subaltern within the human being.
The seminar human as a praxis explores shared stories, the interweaving conditions of inequality, historical and current responsibility
and the resistance in the networks of relationships. We investigate artistic works such as Ines Doujak's work on eccentric archives, historical trade routes
and workers' revolts in the late Middle Ages, Amar Kanwar's work on Indian rice growing, Monsanto and politics of patenting, Kader Attias's work Repair
and the emergence of colonial traces in everyday objects, Ellen Gallagher's DeLuxe on advertisements of beauty products, Steve McQueen's work on the Congo and Coltan,
or Kara Walker's "A Subtlety. The Marvelous Sugar Baby, an Homage to the unpaid and overworked Artisans who have refined our Sweet tastes
from the cane fields to the Kitchens of the New World ".
We will produce practically a performative assemblage of materials asking for the relationality of presence and re-presence (recording, documentation, fiction)
and examining the aesthetic regimes of the used materials and materialities.
A material and text pool will be put together, and visits to exhibitions will extend the seminar.Enon being human as a praxis
looks for forms and formats of togetherness: who is represented? who acts? who is capable of expressing her/his needs and desires?
who is heard? how can "we" support each other, how to survive? who is this "we" anyway?
In her writings, Sylvia Wynter proposes to reorient liberal humanism, in which a certain way of being human: the Western universal "man"
became the reference for this "we". Wynter wants to leave this knowledge of the western man behind and overwrite it. For it is inadequate
to include the marginalised, segregated and subaltern within the human being.
The seminar human as a praxis explores shared stories, the interweaving conditions of inequality, historical and current responsibility
and the resistance in the networks of relationships. We investigate artistic works such as Ines Doujak's work on eccentric archives, historical trade routes
and workers' revolts in the late Middle Ages, Amar Kanwar's work on Indian rice growing, Monsanto and politics of patenting, Kader Attias's work Repair
and the emergence of colonial traces in everyday objects, Ellen Gallagher's DeLuxe on advertisements of beauty products, Steve McQueen's work on the Congo and Coltan,
or Kara Walker's "A Subtlety. The Marvelous Sugar Baby, an Homage to the unpaid and overworked Artisans who have refined our Sweet tastes
from the cane fields to the Kitchens of the New World ".
We will produce practically a performative assemblage of materials asking for the relationality of presence and re-presence (recording, documentation, fiction)
and examining the aesthetic regimes of the used materials and materialities.
A material and text pool will be put together, and visits to exhibitions will extend the seminar.
Bibliographie / LiteraturEs wird ein Material- und Textpool zusammengestellt, der vor Seminarbeginn kommuniziert wird. Ausstellungsbesuche sollen das Seminar erweitern.
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung80% Anwesenheit, aktive Teilnahme
TermineMo 8. 1. 17 – Do 11. 1. 17, jeweils 10 bis 17 Uhr
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (4)