Transcultural Collaboration 

International MA Semester Program in the Arts and Design in Hong Kong
Nummer und TypZMO-ZMO-P017.17H.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulTranscultural Collaboration 
Zhao Chuan, Director/Author, Shanghai
Isabel Mundry, Composer, Professor DMU, ZHdK
Acty Tang, Director/Dancer, Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong
Yvonne Wilhelm, Artist, Professor MA Fine Arts, DKM,
Anzahl Teilnehmende10 - 12
ECTS3 Credits
1. Einreichung Motivationsschreiben (1-2 Seiten in Englisch) und CV bis am 3. April 2017 an (Administration Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich)
2. Interview im April 2017
3. Entscheid bis Ende April 2017
LehrformVollzeit-Semesterprogramm (15 Wochen): Vorlesungen, Workshops, Exkursionen, Projektarbeit
ZielgruppenRund 10 MA-Studierende aus allen Departementen der ZHdK plus rund 20 MA-Studierende der beteiligten Partnerhochschulen in Hong Kong, China,Taiwan und Singapore
Lernziele / KompetenzenWe are convinced that encountering and debating transcultural issues is essential for contemporary art and design practitioners to be prepared for their future (professional) life. Today’s world requires artists and designers to critically reflect on manifold issues and questions within a global framework. They are challenged to position and distinguish themselves within different political, social, economic, and cultural contexts and must build the knowledge needed to produce and expose their work in a dynamic transnational environment. Under these global conditions, the arts and design require not only professional expertise, but the ability to negotiate the diversity of global cultures and societies. Our MA semester program aims precisely to develop the transcultural sensitivity needed and it allows students to gain advanced skills and a certificate in this field. The program also enables participants to establish their international network within a vibrant metropolitan environment.
InhalteThe program has two central characteristics that can be experienced and explored only in this setting. Ist general focus are transcultural topics, such as traditions, identity, values, hybridisation, different forms of life, or power structures, globalization processes in general and between Europe and East Asia in particular. Their social and cultural sensitivity makes art and design practices ideally suited to contributing to transcultural discourse and to expressing a variety of topics through aesthetic means. Hong Kong is predestined as an exemplary location within this thematic context.

The program’s second important focus is practical cross-disciplinary collaboration between different cultures and forms of art. This principal working method promotes intense exchange about and firsthand experience of transcultural issues. It also helps participants to further differentiate and extend their own discipline. Students receive close supervision
and expert support from selected faculty from all partner institutions and from independent artists and experts from various art and design disciplines.

The program begins with a 3-week stay in Zurich before
continuing for three months in Hong Kong. While the core program is dedicated to practice-based collaboration and teamwork on self-defined topics, theoretical inputs will enable participants to critically reflect on transculturality, and thereby gain further insights into this pressing issue. Special practical
workshops with renowned artists and a field trip to Singapore complete the program. The last week of the semester is reserved for public presentations in Hong Kong.

Official Announcement:
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung•80% Anwesenheit (15 Wochen)
•Abschlusspräsentation in Hong Kong, Ende November 2017
Termine•21. August – 8. September 2017 (Zürich)
•10. September – 1. Dezember 2017 (Hong Kong)
•inkl. Field Trip nach Singapore vom 28. Oktober – 5. November 2017
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungFür weitere Auskünfte oder ein Gespräch:
Daniel Späti
Head of Connecting Spaces Hong Kong - Zurich
Head of Transcultural Collaboration
+41 79 432 81 03