Kontext: Gegenwart Denken #2: TENTACULAR THINKING 

Angebot für

Nummer und TypBKM-BKM-Ko.17F.014 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungMelanie Matthieu, Riikka Tauriainen
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 18
ECTS3 Credits
VoraussetzungenWe expect a general interest/desire to radically reconsider forms of living, sharing, play, producing, thinking, figuring, and metabolizing, alongside a pro-active participation and an inquisitive attitude.

Please sign up w/ a short, informal LETTER OF MOTIVATION stating your personal interest (english or german). Please send it to Melanie & Riikka latest by January 20.
LehrformCollective research, speculation, storytelling, writing
InhalteGegenwart Denken is a vessel for any form of contemporary thinking, in any possible realm. The module wants to offer an opportunity to collectively gain a thorough understanding of a specific concept, idea, problem, proposition,...that is in one way or another pertinent/alive in our present society. Gegenwart Denken addresses present-day topics or tendencies inside, outside, or on the edge of contemporary artistic practices. Gegenwart Denken wants to explore the potential productivity of hesitation and diversion. It's an exercise in practicing a non-academic form of philosophy that considers slowing down as a necessary condition for thinking with someone or something.

“Think we must." Virginia Woolf

“My imagination makes me human and makes me a fool; it gives me all the world and exiles me from it.” Ursula K. Le Guin

"So writing is the method of using the word as bait: the word fishing for whatever is not word. When this non-word - between the lines - takes the bait, something has been written." Clarice Lispector

"The tentacular are not disembodied figures; they are cnidarians, spiders, fingery beings like humans and raccoons, squid, jellyfish, neural extravaganzas, fibrous entities, flagellated beings, myofibril braids, matted and felted microbial and fungal tangles, probing creepers, swelling roots, reaching and climbing tendrilled ones. The tentacular are also nets and networks, it critters, in and out of clouds. Tentacularity is about life lived along lines — and such a wealth of lines — not at points, not in spheres." Donna Haraway

The second episode of Gegenwart Denken, ‘TENTACULAR THINKING‘ (working title), will focus on ideas of speculative fabulation* and science fiction (alongside all its hybrid manifestations), combined with practices of ‚artistic‘ research, storytelling, 'situated knowledge' and writing. During four subsequent days, we will work towards a deep collective understanding; an ‘intimate intelligence’ of some contemporary tales.
‘TENTACULAR THINKING’ wants to acknowledge the importance of re-claiming oral culture (as a necessary skill to ‘question our own stories, to retell them with others and vice versa’) within a digitalized world and desires to destabilize, perhaps even annihilate, the already vulnerable dichotomy between theory and fiction, myth and truth, science and fiction.
Alongside field trips, we will work with narration, instinct-driven imagination, 'wild facts' and the making of speculative fantasy; we will activate the together chosen source materials and aim to fabulate a distillation in a discursive format – performative reading, lecture-performance, radio broadcast, etcetera.

*Donna Haraway’s practice of Speculative Fabulation: The making of fables. (Everyday) storytelling practices. Fable as a place of wild facts - facts that won’t hold still - wild facts inhabit fables. Not domesticated narrative as in literary theory. Fables full of animals and creatures of the imagination, impossible worlds, also full of adults. Serious sci-fi, speculative feminism, speculative fantasy – a critical seed in a point of eruption.

Bibliographie / LiteraturA reading list will be provided at the beginning of the semester.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungRegelmässige, aktive Teilnahme. MInd. 80% Anwesenheitspflicht

Please sign up w/ a short, informal LETTER OF MOTIVATION stating your personal interest (english or german). Please send it to Melanie & Riikka latest by January 20.
TermineBW 3: 09.- 12.05.17
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