STD / "Clown and Comedy" 

Kursangebot der Partnerschule in Verscio ATD
Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-ERK-PART-04.17F.003 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPartnerschulen 04 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungMick Barnfather, Schauspieler, Regisseur und Lehrer. Theatre Complicité, École Philipp Gaulier und R.A.D.A.
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 20
ECTS4 Credits
VoraussetzungenKeine Erfahrungen in dem Bereich nötig.
Lernziele / KompetenzenDen Studenten helfen herauszufinden, was an Ihnen einzigartig komisch ist.
InhalteIn this course, I will be looking at what it is that makes us laugh and how we can be funny. It is not about big
shoes, make-up and squirty flowers. I will concentrate mainly on the clown and the pleasure to be ridiculous in
the space. The clown moves from one flop to the next always happy and optimistic to be playing before an
audience. There are many confusions and disasters in a clown show. But there are never any doubts. The
clown is joyful, playful, mischievous and full of fantasy. Nothing in this workshop is related to a style but very
much looking to find what is uniquely funny about each person and how they can make that accessible to an
I will also spend a little time during this course looking at other comic catalysts such as ensemble play and
comic characterization, of which one of my tools will be the use of the half (comedic) masks.
This workshop will aim to be energetic and very playful. Participants will be encouraged to have fun and
pleasure and use this as a starting point. In my opinion when people have fun and play instinctively it is then
that they start to play the fool, tell stories, joke and discover their creativity.
Termine08.05. - 19.05.2017
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