STD / "Disbelief: to suspend or not to suspend" 

Kursangebot der Partnerschulen in Verscio ATD
Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-ERK-PART-04.17F.002 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPartnerschulen 04 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungTom Weaver, Maler und Professor, Department of Art and Art History, Hunter College, CUNY.
Lucinda Weaver, Tänzerin/Choreographin und Physiotherapeutin
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 12
ECTS4 Credits
Lernziele / KompetenzenThe objective for this course is to empower students to move flexibly between theatrical forms that, in various
ways, either use or avoid "suspension of disbelief." By working in forms that exemplify a range of uses of
suspension of disbelief the student will be encouraged to identify their own interest in the creation or
avoidance of illusion/fiction in order to better define their own practice in physical theatre.
InhalteThe method for the course will be to study performance as it has emerged from the practice of visual arts in
contrast with the fictional structure of dramatic theater. Theoretical discussion of the relation will occur in
morning sessions and in the afternoon students will pursue their own projects, related to the issues raised.
Performance in the field of fine arts tends to avoid suspension of disbelief in favor of presentations that use
actual events, places and persons to structure the viewer's experience. While fictions may occur, they are not
intended to be "convincing." In various ways, theatre as drama uses actual presence (actors and sets) to
generate illusions of facts and emotions that can drive dramatic narratives. In both performance and theatre,
the tension between the actual and the fictional is a fertile field for the creation of complex modes of
expression. This course will examine presentational methods that either invoke or avoid suspension of
disbelief. Students will be encouraged to experiment with both possibilities to produce projects that further their own interests.
Termine03. - 12.04.2017
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungWork, both discussion and theatrical activity, will move forward using concrete, comparable examples.
Variation in the interests of students will be encouraged and will serve to clarify varieties of expressive
language in physical theatre.