Kontext: Gegenwart Denken #1: THE WHO OF THINGS 

Angebot für
Nummer und Typ | BKM-BKM-Ko.16H.008 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Kontext |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Melanie Matthieu, Riikka Tauriainen und Gäste |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 16 |
ECTS | 3 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | We expect a general interest/desire to radically re-consider forms of living, sharing, producing, and metabolizing. |
Lehrform | Thinking whilst walking |
Inhalte | Gegenwart Denken is a vessel for any form of contemporary thinking in any possible realm. The module wants to offer an opportunity to collectively gain a thorough understanding of a specific concept, idea, problem, proposition that is, in one way or another, pertinent/alive in our present society. Gegenwart Denken addresses present-day topics or tendencies inside, outside, or on the edge of contemporary artistic practices. Gegenwart Denken wants to explore the potential productivity of hesitation and diversion. It's an exercise in practicing a non-academic form of philosophy that considers slowing down as a necessary condition for thinking with someone or something. For its inaugural session, 'THE WHO OF THINGS' (working title), we will focus on current practices of anthropology, which question European anthropocentrism, the deeply rooted structures of Western thinking and the privileged position given to human beings at the expense of so many other beings. The seminar will consist of four gatherings: an introduction, two fieldwork excursions inside of Switzerland and a conclusive gathering. Together with a guest speaker (TBA) we'll go on a two day hike to a place of power or 'Kraftort' somewhere in Switzerland, taking up a peripatetic, corporeal form of thinking. In the end, we collectively organize a digestive moment/presentation, which can take on any material or immaterial form. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | An inspirational source list will be provided by the end of August. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Regelmässige, aktive Teilnahme. 80% Anwesenheitspflicht. Preparatory reading + self-conducted research. Active involvement in the organization of a final public presentation of the seminar. Studierende der alten Besonderen Studienordnung erhalten 4 Credits, da sie eine Zusatzleistung erbringen müssen. Die Art der Leistung wird von den Dozierenden des Moduls definiert. Sollte die Zusatzleistung nicht oder ungenügend erbracht werden, wird das gesamte Modul als "nicht bestanden" bewertet. |
Termine | Mo 3.10. 17:30 -21:00 (extern) Fr 14.10.- Sa 15.10., 09:15-17:00 Uhr (extern/Exkursion) Fr 11.11.- Sa 12.11., 09:15-17:00 Uhr (extern/Exkursion) |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |