Laura Arici.
Gast: Raphael Gygax, Kunsthistoriker und Kurator (Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Frieze London / New York)
3 CreditsBKM-BKM-Ko.16H.001

Sofia Bempeza
3 CreditsBKM-BKM-Ko.16H.006

Rosza Farkas
3 CreditsBKM-BKM-Ko.16H.013

Melanie Matthieu, Riikka Tauriainen und Gäste
3 CreditsBKM-BKM-Ko.16H.008

Laura Arici, Martin Jaeggi
3 CreditsBKM-BKM-Ko.16H.005
Kontext: Distribution & Dissemination in the Age of Post-Internet 

Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | BKM-BKM-Ko.16H.013 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Kontext |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Rosza Farkas |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 9 - 15 |
ECTS | 3 Credits |
Lehrform | Seminar, Workshop |
Zielgruppen | BA Kunst & Medien |
Inhalte | Distribution and Dissemination of Art in the Post-Internet Age" will begin with exploring the strategies Arcadia Missa (London) publications have taken both in framing and contextualising visual artistic practices into the form of printed and online material, as well as the emergence of text in practices from performance to poetry that occupy the space of an art object. The research will be peer-led and develop into practical areas such as self-publishing and how the work then operates in public space. What does it mean to self-publish? Is it a form that threatens the right of intellectual property and is this a good or a bad thing? What financial responsibilities and methodologies need to be taken into account and can it be a viable alternative for artists intending to resist a hyper-commercialised art market? Does an accessibility of audience necessarily create a public for your work? And how compromised is ones art within the frameworks of web 2.0? Following from this options from art writing to publication making will be encouraged from students, and practical feedback on the distribution and exhibition of these works will be the culminating factor in the week. Treating the body of text as an object of art, this module leans towards the production of new publication based work by students. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Regelmässige, aktive Teilnahme. 80% Anwesenheitspflicht Studierende der alten Besonderen Studienordnung erhalten 4 Credits, da sie eine Zusatzleistung erbringen müssen. Die Art der Leistung wird von den Dozierenden des Moduls definiert. Sollte die Zusatzleistung nicht oder ungenügend erbracht werden, wird das gesamte Modul als "nicht bestanden" bewertet. |
Termine | Blockwoche 48 (Montag, 28.11.- Donnerstag, 1.12.2016), 09:15-17:00 Uhr |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |