Dr. Jochen Kiefer (JK), Lucie Tuma (LuTu)
5 CreditsBTH-VDR-L-3000.16H.001

Prof.Dr. Jacqueline Holzer (JaHo), Prof. Liliana Heimberg (LH), Matthias Fankhauser (MaFa), Colette Baumgartner (CB), Daniel Schuoler (DSchu), Lucie Tuma (LuTu), Sascha Willenbacher (SaWi)
2 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-000.16H.001

Prof. Liliana Heimberg (LH)
1 CreditBTH-BTH-L-0010.16H.001

Prof.Dr. Mira Sack (MS)
2 CreditsBTH-VTP-L-50400.16H.001

Sascha Willenbacher (SaWi)
2 CreditsBTH-VTP-L-5000.16H.001

Prof.Dr. Mira Sack (MS)
2 CreditsBTH-VTP-L-505.16H.001

Sabine Harbeke (SH), Christopher Kriese (CKri)
3 CreditsBTH-VRE-L-4050.16H.001

Prof. Liliana Heimberg (LH)
1 CreditBTH-VRE-L-4020.16H.001

Lukas Bärfuss (LuBä)
2 CreditsBTH-VDR-L-30200.16H.001

Marcel Wattenhofer (MWat) (Wo38-40/43), Eva-Maria Rottmann (ERo) (Wo41-43)
6 CreditsBTH-VTP-L-50000.16H.001

Dr. Jochen Kiefer (JK)
1 CreditBTH-VDR-L-30100.16H.001
Musikalische Performance (ArtEZ) - KOLLABORATION_(RE) 

Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | BTH-VRE-L-4050.16H.001 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Musikalische Performance (ArtEZ) |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Sabine Harbeke (SH), Christopher Kriese (CKri) |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 4 - 14 |
ECTS | 3 Credits |
Lehrform | Workshop |
Zielgruppen | L2 VRE L3 VRE Wahlmöglichkeit: L2 VSC / L2 VTP / L2 VDR / L2 VSZ L3 VSC / L3 VTP / L3 VDR / L3 VSZ |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | Based on the idea that a lot of artists of tomorrow will no longer create shows/performances tied to a single discipline, the goal of this course is to explore collaborative proceses merging various disciplines in innovative ways. The students will enhance their ability to work in an international, intercultural and interdisciplinary environment. |
Inhalte | Students from ArtEZ in Arnhem studying music theatre will collaborate with theatre students of ZHdK creating musical performances. The initial point of the collaboration is a poem or a quote and different research methods. The process will lead to a performance of around 15 minutes. The working methods of the different groups will be shared and reflected regulary with everybody. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | nach Angabe |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | gem. Angaben der/des Modulverantwortlichen |
Termine | Raum: Bühne B (inkl. Klavier) + 2 mittlere Proberäume (inkl. 1 Klavier) |
Dauer | Anzahl Wochen: 2 (HS: Wo:50/51) / Modus: täglich 10.30-17.30h, anschl. bis 21.30h Selbststudium Selbststudiumszeit pro Semester: ca. |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |