Theorie: The Photographic 

Place and territoriality; archive, montage and appropriation; time and the experience of duration; the concept of ?the photographic? in the era of the obsolescence of photography.

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Nummer und TypBKM-BKM-Th.16H.020 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungSérgio Mah
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 19
ECTS3 Credits
LehrformSeminar, Mentorate
ZielgruppenStudierende Bachelor Kunst & Medien
Lernziele / KompetenzenKenntnisse in Geschichte und Theorie der zeitgenössischen Fotografie
InhalteOne of the most evident features of contemporary photography is its polymorphous, plural and excessive nature. All these possibilities are expressions of a contemporaneity that extract part of its dynamism from the confusion and dilution of specificities. In this context, this seminar aims to reflect on the place of photography in the current panorama of visual arts, through the highlight of some conceptual, aesthetical and technical trends and strategies. In the morning, there will be a sequence of lectures that intend to point out works of some crucial artists. The lectures are organized around four thematic areas: place and territoriality; archive, montage and appropriation; time and the experience of duration; the concept of ?the photographic? in the era of the obsolescence of photography. The sessions in the afternoon will be devoted to discussions and tutorials about the students? works.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungRegelmässige, aktive Teilnahme. Min. 80% Anwesenheitspflicht
TermineBlockwoche 44, 31.10 - 4.11., jeweils 9:15 - 17 Uhr
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungUnterrichtssprache Englisch
Termine (1)