Theorie VTH: Underneath and Above the South Only Cosmos 

Angebot für

Nummer und TypBMK-BMK-16F-ThTH-01.16F.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulTheorie VTH: Migration, Diaspora, Cosmopolitism  
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungNikos Papastergiadis
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 19
ECTS4 Credits
VoraussetzungenSeminar in english language
ZielgruppenStudents BA Medien & Kunst.
Open for interested students from all departments.
InhalteThis seminar will explore the ways the ideas of the South have shifted from the geo-political anti-colonial, pro-development genre, to the cultural-aesthetic regime of transnational hospitality and inter-local affinities. However, whether we zoom in or zoom out, there is always another kind of attention that is often missed, it is the creative practice, the act of making a space attractive to the other, and this is a cosmos, or else we could see this as the world making function of art.
Bibliographie / LiteraturNikos Papastergiadis, Cosmopolitanism and Culture, 2012
Nikos Papastergiadis, The Turbulence of Migration, 1999
Termine2.-7. Mai 2016
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungStudents of other departements with an interest to participate please address until February 3rd to:
Termine (5)