Campusmodulwoche / STD "Mise-en-scène and dramatrugy" 

Kursangebot der Partnerschule STD

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Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-ERK-CAM.16F.002 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungFelipe Garcia, Andrea Ruiz, Raul Vargas
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 15
ECTS2 Credits
InhalteThis workshop takes as a starting point (as a kind of excuse) the book written by Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Marquez: "One hundred Years of Solitude". There in "Macondo" antique arts with clear and defined boundaries are bound to declare themselves as hybrids. A place where one thing invades the other, riddles
become entangled and untangled, certainties have to be abolished and a new alphabet has to be established. Using a native cunning, make a back flip ... and start everything from the beginning, renaming and questioning our own position and everything around us.
We will explore the word "Macondo", a word that means nothing. But it is a mood and maybe this is the reason for justifying that in "Macondo" everything is familiar.

Everyday we invent ourselves. We can contradict the invention or take part in it, alter the course and take strange pathways that are proposed to us through the real imaginary of legendary myths and miracles, fantasies, magic, art and amusement.
Bibliographie / LiteraturGabriel García Marquez: "One hundred Years of Solitude".
Termine02. - 04.03.2016
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