Campus-Slots / ZH "Dramaturgien des Schmerzes"
Dieter Mersch, Hayat-Hayriye Erdogan
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-ERK-CAM.16F.009
Christoph Merki: Geschichte der Pop- und Rockmusik seit 1970
Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-PJAPO-MOMA-08-3.16F.001
Christoph Merki: Schreibwerkstatt - Schreiben & Reden Advanced
Christoph Merki
1.5 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2006.16F.001
Darstellendes Spiel 2 / Improvisation für BA I VDR
Simon Dietersdorfer (SiDi)
2 CreditsBTH-VDR-F1698.16F.001
Forschungskompetenz / "Einführung in die Praxis des Forschens"
Jens Badura
0 CreditsMTH-MTH-VER-WAH.16F.002
Gebrauchsklavier und Improvisationsmodelle im Unterricht
André Desponds / Natalie Sidler
1 CreditDMU-WKMP-4206.16F.001
Gegenwartsdramatik 2: Zeitgenössische Antike (E=/)
Maren Rieger (MaRi)
2 CreditsBTH-VRE-F12499g.16F.001
Getting Real: Bühne, Institution und der Ort des Denkens als Intra-Aktion (Vorlesungsreihe)
Colette Baumgartner (CB), Lucie Tuma (LuTu) und Gastreferent_innen
1 CreditBTH-BTH-F123400.16F.001
KDT GR Kunstgeschichte: Einführung
Prof. Katrin Luchsinger Dr., Susann Wintsch lic. phil.
2 Creditsbae-bae-dt220-01.16F.001
Kulturtechnik VBK-HS: ACT, Performen und Veranstalten
Workshop und Event: Olivia Jaques, Milenko Lazic
Event: Franziska Koch
4 CreditsBMK-BMK-16F-TeBK-01.16F.001
Musik ganzheitlich erleben mit afrikanischen Rhythmen und Tänzen
Patrick Juvet Baka / Yamoussa Sylla
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8006.16F.001
Positionen und Diskurse in Kultur und Gesellschaft
Basil Rogger, Soenke Gau
2 Creditsmae-mae-200-06.16F.001
Qualifikation / "ZURICH MEETS LONDON:
Workshop- & Project Lead: Hayat-Hayriye Erdogan, Adrian Notz
Artist-lecturers: Stefan Burger, Kevin Rittberger, Grupo EmpreZa, The Yes Men
0 CreditsMTH-MTH-VER-VLK-QUA.16F.005
Seminar 2: Texturing Space II. On Relations in Urban Environments
Christoph Brunner, Amélie Brisson-Darveau, Patrick Müller
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.16F.002
Seminar 4: Art in Action
Annemarie Bucher, Dominique Lämmli, Patrick Müller
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.16F.004
Seminar 5: Werkgespräche
Katja Gläss und als wöchentliche Gäste: Florian Dombois, Sønke Gau, Patrick Müller, Barbara Nägelin, Basil Rogger, Eran Schaerf, Jana Thierfelder, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.16F.005
Seminar 6: Montage als Instrument des Denkens und Tuns
Patrick Müller, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.16F.006
Seminar 7: Typen und Typologien des Trans-Disziplinären: ein Figurenkabinett
Irene Vögeli, Jana Thierfelder
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.16F.007
Social Design - Recherchen zur gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung (abgesagt)
Christoph Allenspach
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-4013.16F.001
Theorie VFO: Photography's Popular Cultures
Leitung: Witold Kanicki und Jörg Scheller
4 CreditsBMK-BMK-16F-ThFO-01.16F.001
Theorie VTH: Underneath and Above the South Only Cosmos
Nikos Papastergiadis
4 CreditsBMK-BMK-16F-ThTH-01.16F.001
Theorie: Europäisches Autorenkino: z.B. Ingmar Bergman
Leitung: Bernhard Lehner
1 CreditBFI-218.P.MFI.ICL04-08.16F.16F.001
Theorie: Filmgeschichte Politthriller
Leitung: Peter Purtschert
1 CreditBFI-219.P.MFI.ICL04-04.16F.16F.001
Theorie: Fokus Dok / Ich-Erzählungen
Leitung: Christian Iseli
Dozierende: Sabine Gisiger, Christian Iseli
1 CreditBFI-417.P.MFI.ICL04-06.16F.16F.001
Theorie: Streifzüge durch die Filmgeschichte
Leitung: Lorenz Suter
1 CreditBFI-217.P.MFI.ICL04-07.16F.16F.001
Theorie: ZDOK 16 - Do It Again!
Leitung: Christian Iseli
Dozierende: Sabine Gisiger, Christian Iseli, Marille Hahne, NN
1 CreditBFI.425.MFI.ICL04-25.16F.16F.001
Theorie: ZDOK 16 - Workshop 1
Leitung: Christian Iseli
Dozierende: Christian Iseli, NN
1 CreditBFI.425.MFI.ICL04-26.16F.16F.001
Vorlesungsreihe "Kein Kino"
Maike Thies (Wiss. Mitarbeiterin Design), Olav Lervik (Tonmeister Musik), Kerstin Schroedinger (Assistentin Kunst & Medien), Martin Jaeggi (Dozent Kunst & Medien) Ian Wooldridge (Assistent Kunst & Medien)
1 CreditBFI-MFI-MM.KEIN KINO.16F.001
Wahlmodul / "33 Begriffe: Recherche, Politik, Ästhetik"
Milo Rau, Rolf Bosshart, Stefan Bläske
0 CreditsMTH-MTH-VER-WAH.16F.001
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MTH-MTH-VER-VLK-QUA.16F.005 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Qualifikation / Leitende Künstler |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Workshop- & Project Lead: Hayat-Hayriye Erdogan, Adrian Notz Artist-lecturers: Stefan Burger, Kevin Rittberger, Grupo EmpreZa, The Yes Men |
Ort | Zürich und London |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 6 - 10 |
ECTS | 0 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Für Studierende aus anderen Studiengängen der ZHdK: Anmeldung und Anfragen bezüglich Platzzahl an: Caroline Scherr / Bitte unbedingt Vorname, Nachname, Semester und Hauptstudiengang angeben, danke. |
Zielgruppen | DR (Pflicht); RE, TP, BN, SC, BT, SP |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | transdisciplinary and transcultural competences getting to know avantgarde, radical design works research based development of projects development, coordination and composition of an event marathon getting to know different artistic strategies and working methods getting to know curatorial competences |
Inhalte | On the occasion of the festival "Zurich meets London" Zurich University of the Arts & Cabaret Voltaire develops INSTANT CITY RELOADED, an event marathon in and around the Serpentine Gallery. Therefore we will re-evaluate and re-activate the vision INSTANT CITY by the British collective ARCHIGRAM, who were working genuinely trans-disciplinary. The questions raised by the highly anticipating works of ARCHIGRAM still or even more urgently address present issues of glob/calization, hyper-culturality, mobility, migration, information technology shifts, progress, windowing etc. - all this with reference to art, design and architecture issues. How does this relate to Zurich, the Zurich University of the Arts and the Cabaret Voltaire? INSTANT CITY (IC) refers to an architectural vision, a concept by the British avant-garde collective ARCHIGRAM. IC was thought to be a device, an airship containing all cultural and educational resources of a mega-city, which could fly, travel to the remote areas and the cultural peripheries of a city and bring the rather marginalized inhabitants a taste of city life in a nutshell. The authors of ARCHIGRAM describe the project as a "speculative research project exploring possibilities of injecting metropolitan dynamic into other areas through temporary events, structures, mobile facilities and information technology" (Peter Cook et al., Archigram. New York 1972). During 3 weeks workshop we will develop ideas on infiltrating cities with performative, artistic and discoursive interventions. The first step in the workshop is to first deal with the ideas of ARCHIGRAM and DADA in general and the idea of INSTANT CITY in particular. In a second step students guided by artist-lecturers will do research in the city of Zurich and find out what is worthy and attractive, interesting enough to be shipped to London. The workshop is scheduled for calendar weeks 16, 17 and 19, i.e. 18th - 29th April & 12th - 14th May. After the workshop and rehearsal period the group will travel to London. The stay in London will be in calender week 20, from 16th - 22nd May, 2016. The workshops will be run in collaboration with Adrian Notz, Director of Cabaret Voltaire. Artist collectives, performers and activists will be invited to work with us on getting inspiration from "Instant City" and 1) Translating the visionary, futuristic ideas of "Instant City" into own presentation medium, using very own characteristic artistic strategies and approaches, 2) Reflecting and further developing the encapsulated ideas of ARCHIGRAM, "Instant City" with respect to Dada, the 21st century, on-going relevant discourses (t.b.d.) and the City of London. 3) Finding interesting contents in the City of Zurich to artistically transform them into transportable performances, lectures etc. 4) Travel to London, set-up of event space, little interventionist actions, main event marathon on 20th and 21st May, 2016. The artists, who are invited are The Yes Men, Grupo EmpreZa, Kevin Rittberger, Stefan Burger More Information on INSTANT CITY RELOADED will be available end of January 2016. |
Termine | (Grobe Richtwerte, konkrete Daten folgen anfangs FS2016) 09.05. - 15.05.2016 16.05. - 22.05.2016 (LONDON) |
Dauer | nach Ansage |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Bemerkung | Workshop- & Project Lead Hayat Erdogan, Lecturer in the Master of Arts in Theater Program, ZhdK. Adrian Notz, Curator and Director of Cabaret Voltaire. Artist-lecturers Stefan Burger, Zurich based Artist. Kevin Rittberger, Berlin based Director, Dramatist and Curator. Grupo EmpreZa, Rio based Performance Collective. The Yes Men, NY bases creative activists. |