Campus-Slots / ZH "Dramaturgien des Schmerzes"
Dieter Mersch, Hayat-Hayriye Erdogan
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-ERK-CAM.16F.009
Christoph Merki: Geschichte der Pop- und Rockmusik seit 1970
Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-PJAPO-MOMA-08-3.16F.001
Christoph Merki: Schreibwerkstatt - Schreiben & Reden Advanced
Christoph Merki
1.5 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2006.16F.001
Darstellendes Spiel 2 / Improvisation für BA I VDR
Simon Dietersdorfer (SiDi)
2 CreditsBTH-VDR-F1698.16F.001
Forschungskompetenz / "Einführung in die Praxis des Forschens"
Jens Badura
0 CreditsMTH-MTH-VER-WAH.16F.002
Gebrauchsklavier und Improvisationsmodelle im Unterricht
André Desponds / Natalie Sidler
1 CreditDMU-WKMP-4206.16F.001
Gegenwartsdramatik 2: Zeitgenössische Antike (E=/)
Maren Rieger (MaRi)
2 CreditsBTH-VRE-F12499g.16F.001
Getting Real: Bühne, Institution und der Ort des Denkens als Intra-Aktion (Vorlesungsreihe)
Colette Baumgartner (CB), Lucie Tuma (LuTu) und Gastreferent_innen
1 CreditBTH-BTH-F123400.16F.001
KDT GR Kunstgeschichte: Einführung
Prof. Katrin Luchsinger Dr., Susann Wintsch lic. phil.
2 Creditsbae-bae-dt220-01.16F.001
Kulturtechnik VBK-HS: ACT, Performen und Veranstalten
Workshop und Event: Olivia Jaques, Milenko Lazic
Event: Franziska Koch
4 CreditsBMK-BMK-16F-TeBK-01.16F.001
Musik ganzheitlich erleben mit afrikanischen Rhythmen und Tänzen
Patrick Juvet Baka / Yamoussa Sylla
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8006.16F.001
Positionen und Diskurse in Kultur und Gesellschaft
Basil Rogger, Soenke Gau
2 Creditsmae-mae-200-06.16F.001
Qualifikation / "ZURICH MEETS LONDON:
Workshop- & Project Lead: Hayat-Hayriye Erdogan, Adrian Notz
Artist-lecturers: Stefan Burger, Kevin Rittberger, Grupo EmpreZa, The Yes Men
0 CreditsMTH-MTH-VER-VLK-QUA.16F.005
Seminar 2: Texturing Space II. On Relations in Urban Environments
Christoph Brunner, Amélie Brisson-Darveau, Patrick Müller
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.16F.002
Seminar 4: Art in Action
Annemarie Bucher, Dominique Lämmli, Patrick Müller
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.16F.004
Seminar 5: Werkgespräche
Katja Gläss und als wöchentliche Gäste: Florian Dombois, Sønke Gau, Patrick Müller, Barbara Nägelin, Basil Rogger, Eran Schaerf, Jana Thierfelder, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.16F.005
Seminar 6: Montage als Instrument des Denkens und Tuns
Patrick Müller, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.16F.006
Seminar 7: Typen und Typologien des Trans-Disziplinären: ein Figurenkabinett
Irene Vögeli, Jana Thierfelder
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.16F.007
Social Design - Recherchen zur gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung (abgesagt)
Christoph Allenspach
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-4013.16F.001
Theorie VFO: Photography's Popular Cultures
Leitung: Witold Kanicki und Jörg Scheller
4 CreditsBMK-BMK-16F-ThFO-01.16F.001
Theorie VTH: Underneath and Above the South Only Cosmos
Nikos Papastergiadis
4 CreditsBMK-BMK-16F-ThTH-01.16F.001
Theorie: Europäisches Autorenkino: z.B. Ingmar Bergman
Leitung: Bernhard Lehner
1 CreditBFI-218.P.MFI.ICL04-08.16F.16F.001
Theorie: Filmgeschichte Politthriller
Leitung: Peter Purtschert
1 CreditBFI-219.P.MFI.ICL04-04.16F.16F.001
Theorie: Fokus Dok / Ich-Erzählungen
Leitung: Christian Iseli
Dozierende: Sabine Gisiger, Christian Iseli
1 CreditBFI-417.P.MFI.ICL04-06.16F.16F.001
Theorie: Streifzüge durch die Filmgeschichte
Leitung: Lorenz Suter
1 CreditBFI-217.P.MFI.ICL04-07.16F.16F.001
Theorie: ZDOK 16 - Do It Again!
Leitung: Christian Iseli
Dozierende: Sabine Gisiger, Christian Iseli, Marille Hahne, NN
1 CreditBFI.425.MFI.ICL04-25.16F.16F.001
Theorie: ZDOK 16 - Workshop 1
Leitung: Christian Iseli
Dozierende: Christian Iseli, NN
1 CreditBFI.425.MFI.ICL04-26.16F.16F.001
Vorlesungsreihe "Kein Kino"
Maike Thies (Wiss. Mitarbeiterin Design), Olav Lervik (Tonmeister Musik), Kerstin Schroedinger (Assistentin Kunst & Medien), Martin Jaeggi (Dozent Kunst & Medien) Ian Wooldridge (Assistent Kunst & Medien)
1 CreditBFI-MFI-MM.KEIN KINO.16F.001
Wahlmodul / "33 Begriffe: Recherche, Politik, Ästhetik"
Milo Rau, Rolf Bosshart, Stefan Bläske
0 CreditsMTH-MTH-VER-WAH.16F.001
Theorie VMK: Art in times of crisis
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | BMK-BMK-16F-ThMK-01.16F.001 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Theorie VMK: Close reading |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Felix Stalder |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 22 |
ECTS | 4 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Students need to be able to read english texts and follow an english discussion. We will provide help with questions of translation as they arise. |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | We will focus in depth on a key position within the field of contemporary political art, through reading texts and directly engaging with the author and his research/activist program. |
Inhalte | In 1999, in the context of the war in Kosovo, the art critic Brian Holmes wrote: "What are the powers of art in the face of organized violence? The answer can only lie in the public's encounter with the artworks, in the emotions they release, the reactions they provoke, the discussions they foster. The curator and the critic offer frames for that encounter. ... Today, if we want the artistic experience to contribute to any kind of political confrontation with the sources of violence, we have to radically change those frames. And that means measuring the depth and the historical nature of the current conflicts in the world." Since then, Brian Holmes has embarked on an extensive research program, involving artistic collaborations, field trips and non-institutional forms of teaching, to examine the "depth and historical nature" of not just of on-going armed conflicts, but of the many interlocking social, economic and ecological crises that dominate our present. One of the recurring questions concerns the possibility of art to shape and transform the way we understand (and possibly act in) the world. How can individual and networked artistic practices be developed in relation to those forces that transform our world as we live in it. The module consists of two parts. First we will read and discuss key texts of Brian Holmes that address these questions and discuss art works that that play an important role in this research program. Second, we will do a two-day intensive course with Brian Holmes where we look both at his previous works as well as contribute on ongoing research focus on mapping as an artistic strategy. Texts will be mostly in English. The two-day intensive course will be in English only. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Main works by Brian Holmes: Profanity and the Financial Markets. A User's Guide to Closing the Casino: 100 Notes, 100 Thoughts: Documenta Series 064. Hatje Cantz, 2012. Escape the Overcode: Activist Art in the Control Society. Van Abbemuseum, WHW, 2009. Holmes, Brian. Unleashing the Collective Phantoms: Essays in Reverse Imagineering. Autonomedia, 2008 Holmes, Brian. Hieroglyphs of the Future. 2003. ISBN: 9536542838 (Paris & Zagreb: Visual Culture NGO: What, How and for Whom, 2002). Full list of references will be made available at the beginning of the course in the wiki at |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Participation in the course, and small essay. Topic to be determined during the semster based on invidivual/group interests. |
Termine | Tueday 10:00-13:00 Uhr 01.03. 15.03 05.04 12.04 (with Brian Holmes, whole day) 13.04 (with Brian Holmes, whole day) 03.05. 10.05. |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Bemerkung | It's going to be a great course, of course! Studierende aus anderen Departementen, die sich für diese Veranstaltung interessieren, melden sich per Mail bis 3. Februar 2016 bei Students of other departements with an interest to participate please address until February 3rd to: |